Extra: The U.A.E

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Author's note: I made this poem long way back. It was the UAE's national day and I was assgined to make a poem for their 40th national day. 

The U.A.E.

A Breathtaking sight,

A view from your flight,

When you look down to see,

You’re in the U.A.E.

Complex buildings in the land,

Everything started right from sand.

Lovely people here who are kind,

Full of imaginative amazing minds.

People here are from different races,

You’re going to get used to seeing different faces.

The cuisine, the culture, even the rules,

Are what make the U.A.E. pretty cool.

The U.A.E. has a goal of endless possibilities,

Recruiting people with amazing abilities.

Achievements have happened in the cities,

It doesn’t stop there, it just entered its forties.

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