chapter 6

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Nadia's POV
I'm so disappointed. Not trying to be dramatic, but I can't believe Hayden acted like that. We used to be so close and he used to agree with everything that I said. Now... I don't know.. Hm. "Nadia, I know this is not the right time, but can you tell me what happened between you and Annie? You don't have to if you don't want to" Joey said. "Of course I will tell you, but just.. not now. I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled and walked away.
Johnny's POV
I've been looking for Nadia since 15 minutes ago. Where is she? Why is it so hard to find her? Then I realised, oh my god. I have a goddamn phone and I should've used it to call Nadia instead of walking around the whole school to find her. Why am I like this oh my god! I took out my phone, searched for the contacts and called Nadia
nadia : hey...what's up
johnny : where are you?
nadia : home
johnny : can i please come over
nadia : um...ya sure
She hangs up right after she said that. Maybe she is still sad the fact that Hayden chose someone else over her. Annie used to be our enemy. But Hayden's the one who always obsessed with her.
Nadia's POV
Johnny and I sat down on the couch awkwardly. "So...are you okay?" He looked at me. "Just disappointed" I looked down. He moved closer to me and hold my hands. "It's okay. I'm here. You don't need him. Forget about him." He gave me the sweetest smile I have ever seen. "Thanks..John...but it's not gonna be the same. I miss our old gang." I looked at him in the eyes. Oh my god. Few seconds after, I looked away. His eyes are too perfect to be stared at. "Yeah.. I know. Me too. Just give him some times. Everything will be okay as usual. I promise." A tear dripped off my face. He saw it and he wiped it with his thumb. I'm so soft. He is honestly the sweetest human being I have ever met. I looked at him and smile. He gave me a smile that is two times wider than mine. He whispered in my ears, "I love you" and he kissed me. I dodged my head. "Johnny.. you know... I have to be honest with you about something" I said... nervously. "What is it?" He sounds curious. "I've been thinking about you lately. All day, everyday. You're like.. stuck in my mind. I realised, I might've fall for you which is weird because I don't think you'll ever"- I didn't get to finish my sentence, he kissed me again. "I've been feeling the same too you know" He smiled.
                          THE NEXT DAY

 -                          THE NEXT DAY -                            INSTAGRAM

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johnnyorlando happy
    -laurenorlando you're happier than ever.       what's up??
-johnnyorlando just happy
    -kenzieziegler not for long ig
-johnnyorlando go away 🐍
                            AT SCHOOL
Joey's POV
"NADIA!" I shouted trying to get her attention. She turned around and , "Oh hi Joey!" She smiled. "Woah you look so happy today. Anything's up?" I looked at her. "Ahah it's nothing!" She giggled. "Do you mind... telling me about you and Annie? I'm so sorry if this ruined your mood" I asked. "No, of course. So the story is..."
Annie's POV
"Want me to get you a drink?" I offered. "Yes thank you" She replied. I walked in the kitchen and looked around me. I slide my hand in my jeans pocket and took out something. It's the thing where you put it in the drink & the person who drank it will fall asleep for like 8 hours. I put it in Nadia's drink. "Here you go!" I gave it to Nadia and she immediately drank it. A few minutes later.. "Annie.. My head is getting dizzy.." She said. "Oh my god really? Let me bring you upstairs. Rest there" I replied. I brought her upstairs, she layed on the bed & immediately sleep. Yes. Finally. I took her phone & went into her messages. I clicked on William's name and texted him. (author's note : guys william is like an old friend who moved away last year. so let's just pretend he existed for awhile lol haha)
Me: hayden
William : nadia what's up?
Me: i love you
William : wait what? what kind of drugs are you on? you're dating johnny right?
Me: i am but i like you better. don't tell johnny about this. i want you more than him. i need you .
William : i like you too 🤩
Me: oooh we should definitely be couples. we would be so cute 💋
William : haha yes lol!
Me: i love you 💗
William : i love you more ❤️
(author's note : guys if you don't understand, it means annie opened nadia's phone and texted william that^^ cause she's trying to make it looks like nadia's cheating on john to break them apart)
Yes!! This bitch is going down. I screenshoted the convo and airdroped it to my phone. I went downstairs and shouted "ATTENTION" since i'm trying to get all of their attentions. They all stopped talking and looking at me. "Now that I have your attention. I have something to say. I'm gonna send everyone this little something I found that is very disgusting. I'll send it now!" I said & pressed sent. Everyone took out their phone and looked at it. "HOLY SHIT NADIA CHEATED ON JOHNNY" Someone screamed. Johnny looked at me with a serious face. "Where the fuck did you get this?" He asked. "Nadia's phone. You're welcome. She & William are both cancelled" I smiled. This is so fun. I just broke the two love birds apart! What's even more fun, William is at the party too! Johnny looked at William and his face turned red. Everyone started to stare at him. His eyes are so watery. He frozed. Few seconds later, a tear dripped of his face. "Fuck this" He said and slammed the door. My plan worked. I am so proud of myself.
                         ( THE NEXT DAY )
Nadia's POV
I woke up in an unusual room. And then I realised.. wait, this is Annie's room. Omg no my mom's gonna kill me. Where is Annie anyways? I took my bag and immediately left. I reached home and snuck in through the back door so she won't see me since she's having a breakfast. I went up to my room quickly, changed , went downstairs and pretended like I actually woke up in my bed. She looked at me with a confused face. I quickly ran in my car and drove away. I saw a parking spot and I parked my car. I got out and everyone started staring at me with a weird face. I feel weird. Why is everyone staring at me? I didn't care and just walked away. I saw Annie so I immediately come to her. "Annie what's happening? Why did I wake up on your bed and everyone's staring at me??" I asked. "Check your phone and think again. Plus, I don't want to be in the same bed as a cheater. So I slept in my guest room" She smiled and walked away. Cheater? What cheater? I checked my phone and looked through my messages. The last person I contacted was William which is very weird because as I remember, the last person I talked to was Johnny. I clicked on William's name and holy shit. Who the fuck did this to my phone?? Did anyone saw this? I'm fucked. I'm so fucked. I didn't say any of these what the shit. I feel like everyone knows since they're all staring at me like i'm a monster. Wait. JOHNNY. What about Johnny? Does he knows too?? I walked down the hallways to find him. I saw him taking out books from his locker. I came up to him. "Hey John" I said nervously.. He rolled his eyes and pretended like I wasn't there. "Johnny, if this is about William. I'm sorry but that wasn't me" I touched his arms. He looked at me, "Dont fucking touch me" He slammed the locker and walked away. Everyone is looking and laughing at me. I ran to the bathroom and bursted out my tears. Who the fuck did this to me? What did i do to deserve this?
*back to normal*
Nadia's POV
"That's so mean omg why would she do that" He asked. "Well, I heard Annie had a crush on Johnny so she did that so that she can get him" I replied. "But how did everything became normal? I mean, how did everyone knows Annie did it?" He raised his eyebrows. "Kenzie exposed her . And then Kenz & John dated for like 3 years until Kenz broke up with him" I smiled. "Okay, I guess that's enough for today ahahah. If you want to know about another drama in this school, ask me tomorrow." He nodded and smiled.
okay guys! the nadia & annie drama happened 4 years ago! not 2 years ago or last year. sorry my bad! btw, i hope you like this chapter. don't forget to vote!!

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