Chapter One

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Luke sighed softly as he walked into his house, his parents not home yet. Meaning, he was all alone in the new house, with a terribly empty silence.

He made his way up to his bedroom, pausing outside the door as he heard music playing. Which was...odd, to say the least, he had made sure to turn off his iPod before he left for school. Plus, it wasn’t attached to his speakers at the moment. Which meant...someone was in his room?

Wary, he took off his shoe, holding it in his hand, just in case. He could chuck it at the person in his room if they shouldn’t be there, and then use his - admittedly rusty - boxing skills to try and take them down.

He opened his door, only to see his iPod raise up, the song changing a few times as if someone was flicking through his music library. And then it just fell to the ground, from the middle of the air, where it had been floating.

Luke froze, not at all sure as to how he should, or could, deal with this. So, he put his shoe back on and picked his iPod up as blink-182 kept playing from his pink speakers. On a positive note, it wasn’t cracked, so Luke just sighed softly and set it back on his dresser, staring at it for a moment, jumping back as the song abruptly changed again. So he unplugged it, tossing it in a drawer for now, going down to the kitchen to get his homework done.


To Luke’s gratefulness, nothing odd happened for two weeks. Well, nothing majorly odd like his iPod floating around his room. Occasionally, the song would skip or he would put something down only for it to be moved slightly, or he’d just hear random humming, which was a bit scary at three in the morning when the rest of his family was asleep.

Or, once, he had run out of water in his cup, and he had been contemplating whether getting up to get more would be worth it, when he heard the sound of running water, and froze for a few minutes, as no one was home, before he managed to look over towards his door, which was in the direction of the bedside table that his cup, lamp, and alarm clock were on. And the cup was once again full of water. Luke had chosen to ignore it, instead staring at his television again until he was reasonably less freaked out.

The final straw for Luke was when he was laying in bed one night, staring at the far wall and trying to sleep, when his guitar lifted itself from the stand, floating over to a chair by where he was staring, and adjusted itself to be positioned like someone was sitting on the chair and playing it. He rolled over, squeezing his eyes shut as the music played by seemingly no one came from his guitar.

All of these strange events were why Luke was now sat on his floor, pulling an Ouija board out of its box, which he knew was a bad idea, but maybe he could just tell whatever it was to piss off.

“How stupid are you that you’re gonna use an Ouija board instead of just trying to say hi?”

Luke jumped, turning his head so fast that it was surprising that he didn’t end up with whiplash.

“I..what...who are you?”

“Sign that damn thing off, will you?”

Luke immediately moved the planchette to Goodbye, tossing the Ouija board back into the box, turning to face the boy in his room again.

“Are you-”

“Yes, I’m dead. My name is Michael, I died last year. Hey, did you know how messy it gets when a motorcycle gets hit by a semi-truck?”

Luke winced, but Michael merely sat next to him, close enough that his shoulder was touching Luke’s, and Luke could feel the coldness from the ghost’s body radiating toward his own.

“Anyway, any questions?”


Michael sighed, his head falling back.

“C’mon, Hemmings, you have the chance to ask a dead person questions, take it.”

“How old are you?”

“Now? Eighteen. When I died? Seventeen.”

“Why are you a ghost?”

“I have shit to do. Only reason I’d be here.”

“Does it involve me?”

Michael shrugged, looking Luke up and down.

“Not you specifically, but I like you enough.”


Michael placed his hand over Luke’s mouth, and Luke shivered.

“I’ll get warmer the more I’m around you, don’t worry. But hush. Other questions, don’t worry why I’m here.”

Luke just stared down at the hand covering his mouth, reaching towards it, slightly surprised that he was able to lift it and move it to the side.


“You and your parents have lived here for a few months, the more human energy there is in the place I choose to inhabit, the stronger and more...I dunno, corporeal, I am. Like a parasite.”

Michael grinned, and Luke found it slightly off-putting, but decided to just write it off due to him most likely not talking to anyone in a year.

“But how does energy help?”

Michael leant back on his hands, eyes trained on Luke.

“Absorption. Like a sponge.”

“You’re like a sponge?”

Michael nodded, smiling.

“Yup, nice to see that you’ve picked that up.”

“So what exactly can a ghost do?”

“Depends on the type. I can do a multitude of things. interact with objects or people, I can talk to certain people, invisibility, floating, walking through objects. Generic ghost stuff, plus a bit more.”

That piqued Luke’s curiosity as he tried to figure out what the bit more might be.

“What do you mean by that?”

Michael simply grinned, leaning over into him, laughing as Luke violently shivered.

“You’ll find out in due time, Lukey.”

“But what does that mean?”

Michael shook his head.

“It means exactly what I said, nothing more, nothing less. You’ll find out when I want you to find out - if I want you to find out.”

And with that, Michael got up and walked over to Luke’s iPod.

“In the meantime, let’s talk music.”

Ghost In My Bedroom (Muke Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon