Bioshock (Jack Ryan X Fem!Reader) Part. 1?

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Everyday is sorta the same around here. Once beautiful halls filled with lights and brilliant minds, are now being cascaded in empty shadows. The darkness of the ocean seemingly brighter than the impossible city, and with all those Splicers running around it's almost impossible to get around without some sort of carnage in your wake. All that's on their minds is how they'll be getting another hit of Adam. Fucking Adam. The god damn drug of Rapture harnessed and produced by none other than the zombified missing poster children of raptures famous orphanages. Fucking Sisters. If it weren't for those Big Daddies there may have been more missing kids and shit would of hit the fan a lot quicker than it did. Look, I get it, Rapture was supposed to be this Utopia for the most brilliant of people. It was out of the constraints that government and society posed. However, things might have lasted longer if Fontaine and Andrew didn't have that little hissy fit of theirs. But what can I say. Utopia's never really last. We've got plenty of books to prove that.

I will admit, even with all that tension I was pretty damn tempted by Fontaine and his promises, was thinking of even joining his little possy he was building up. But then Andrew Ryan flipped his all mighty switch and boom! Nobody could leave except for a select few. Most those few being Andrew Ryan. Actually I'm pretty sure it is only Andrew Ryan's DNA that checks out on the bathyspheres. I'll be honest, I did hear that from some drunk bloke by the bar, but nonetheless I'm relatively confident that that's what's going on. I mean, why else would there be such a fight for freedom unless it was impossible to leave.

After a while all hell went loose, the splicers were going crazy and right about then Fontaine's freedom was sounding pretty good. However, a little to my dismay, news had been going around that Fontaine was pretty much dead as a doornail. Seems though that they weren't the only ones wishing to leave this place. A little group up in Fontaine's old department store that had been sunken to the bottom of the ocean had begun to rise up. Lead by an Irish fellow who went by the name of Atlas. He had a good "of the people, for the people" kinda vibe at the time. Someone who was just trying to get free of the chains that this underwater prison holds. So, out of fear for my own life and the fact that I couldn't fight at the time. I joined up the rag tag group, which was less of a small group and more of a large cult.

Fast forward a couple years and I'm doing just fine. Wondering around rapture, breaking into vending machines, smacking splicers upside the head so hard they've got a strong enough concussion that kicks them back into last week, you know, the high life. Whole reason I'm even out here is to collect supplies. Make sure we can all survive our stay down here in Rapture. Great upside is that I get to work alone! Its as much fun as I can get into in a place where its kinda got "kill or be killed" written all over it. Nonetheless, life's an adventure! With days in and days out of wandering throughout the trashed halls there have to be a couple of highlights. Like the other week, I watched a team of splicers in an adjacent walkway try to take a
on a Big Daddy. Man... they totally got shish-kabobbed. They didn't even make a dent! It was lo-key kinda funny to watch. At first I was a little worried about the wandering splicers or a possibile incounter with the big daddy, but the fight was too comical and too quick for me to dwel on my thoughts for long. You can see why I considered this a highlight. Splicers will do just about anything for adam, and sometimes the way the goes about it is pretty hilarious. All this time spent searching under the watchful eye of danger definitely calls for at least some time for that of lighthearted humor. Helps ease the mind in this hell scape. Gives us the time to enjoy ourselves before our timely death surprises us.

Now, I haven't exactly seen all of rapture. When it was still up and running I was too busy spending time working to take in my surroundings, and that was and still is how I like it. Nothing is as fun as doing what you want to do everyday all the time. I mean, now a days its less of working for fun and more to survive, but the pang of danger that's always hanging around is truly more fun than it has ever been. Sure, I miss the saftey of the office. The consistent schedules. The interesting food. But nothing beats coming out on top of a tiny squad of leadheads and watching as all their bodies hit the floor while they're still processing what's going on. Its nice to come out on top. Maybe I'm getting a little too cocky. But hey, what are you gonna do!

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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