Chapter 1

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Standing in front of a large mirror which was lazily propped against the wall of my bedroom , my hands fumbled over the red tie I was hastily adjusting against my chest.

''Sebastian!'' Mom called from the kitchen.

Looking towards the door, I yelled ''Coming!''

I paused at the the mirror to make sure my crimson hair was in place before heading down the hallway to the kitchen. My multicolored wings protruded from my middle back, their long feathers brushing against the tiled floor. I stopped in the archway of the kitchen, gazing at my mother as she bustled around. Her wavy brown hair fell loosely around her shoulders as she jostled her wings.

''Ah! There you are. Here-'' She pressed a brown paper bag that was labeled lunch with a heart scribbled underneath into my hands. My ears flushed a violent shade of red out of embarrassment.

''Mom, I don't need a lunch!'' I protested, trying to give it back.

Mom ignored me, instead pushing me towards the door.

''Hurry! Don't be late on your first day!'' Her voice trembled, and I realized she was crying. I planted my feet, pivoting on my heel. ''I love you.'' I wrapped my arms around her and my wings unfurled to add onto the hug. After a moment of silence, I gripped her by the shoulders and held her out at arms length.

''Thanks for the lunch.'' I smiled, folding my wings against my back.

I wanted to feel the same as my mom, but my hands trembled with excitement. Mom suddenly laughs.

''What?'' I demanded.

''Nothing!'' She replied, ''Just get going already, you'll be late.''

Clutching my lunch, I turned and eagerly yanked the door open, ''Bye, Mom!'' I called as I stepped onto a cement perch about the size of a doormat. The door clicked shut behind me. An uncontrollable grin spread across my face, my wings moving as if they had a mind of their own. The wind was strong today, lashing my hair to the right. My flight feathers twitched with anticipation.

I let myself free fall into open air, my wings instinctively tucking in for a dive. I spiraled towards the sidewalk at dangerous speeds. Right before impact, I flared my wings to full length. The wind gusted beneath my colorful plumage, sending me rocketing skyward. I yelled triumphantly, beating my wings faster ; launching myself forward as I weaved between the tightly packed buildings, which earned myself a few angry shouts from other Avians.

The buildings began to thin out, getting replaced with grassy fields and scattered trees. My eye widened. Right in the center of the field was a collection of huge, hexagonal glass domes. Billowing in the wind on top of the central dome was a flag with the symbol for,

'' The World Academy of Flight! ''

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