On paper, it was simple.

Stellan Carpet, a French accomplice who funded most of Hydra's operations from his own pocket, was supposed to be on the Sokovian base that day with the rest of their targets. Carpet had unfortunately elected to attend a charity gala in Venice (June couldn't help but scoff) ultimately screwing up Tony's original plan. Every person involved with Hydra had to be taken down that day. Luckily, there weren't that many associates left—most of them would be holed up in Sokovia—and Carpet had underestimated his prominence. If he wasn't in Sokovia, Tony would find out. And he did.

That's where June came in. Her task was relatively simple: get Carpet alone and silence him. A seductive approach had been her idea, and when Tony had asked why, June's answer was plain.

"I want to see the look on his face," she'd said coolly. The name "Carpet" had been included in the roster of individuals responsible for donating money to the program that had taken her—vengeance was attainable, and June was not about to pass it up. "I want to see him realize he won't get what he wants. And then I'll watch him die."

Tony's face was placid. "That's dark but all right. Just don't leave any prints."

"I don't have fingerprints, Strucker burned them off. Tony, I told you that. "

"Lordy, you're a downer today, Kremlin."

Steve had wanted to go with June. He was adamant in saying that the whole thing was too dangerous, and if June wouldn't back out, she should at least let him back her up. Tony wouldn't have it.

"Nuh-uh," he had said flatly. "You're the stalwart leader here, Cap. We need you for this assault—it won't work without you."

"I have someone in Italy," Natasha had offered when Steve's scowl deepened. "He could help."

June lifted an eyebrow. "Who?"

"Jack Odion. He worked at Shield before it collapsed. He's been undercover in Rome for a while, I'm sure he's fiending for something new."

The name was familiar, but June couldn't place it. Whoever he was, if Natasha thought he was trustworthy he must be all right. She nodded, jaw set. "Okay. James and I will probably need all the help we can get."

It was unspoken, but most everyone privately concluded that Bucky would be assigned this mission as well, to ensure both June's safety and that the mission would actually be carried out. June knew that ever since Croatia, the others doubted her. Tony had not allowed her on a single assignment since then.

Italy was her chance to prove she could be taken seriously once again.

"You look good," decided Natasha as she stepped back to observe June wholly. A soft smile tugged at her lips, creeping into her heavy, feline eyes. "Almost like a girl."

June rolled her eyes, but they crinkled with laughter. "Shut up."

It was one of the stranger things June had ever done—sitting on the kitchen floor in the living quarters of Tony's tower at 4:30 in the morning, an assortment of makeup brushes, bottles, tubes, and wands scattered around her as Natasha crouched before her, one eye squinted, meticulously applying various powders and primers and pigments while Clint perched on the island, holding up a blinding light. When Natasha was satisfied with her work, June let out the breath she had not realized she'd been holding; anxiety climbed through her insides.

a lion among wolves, bucky barnes (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now