Chapter 7

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Previously: When I walked in everyone was staring at me, then this one boy who had the nerve to talk to me. "Hey slut I heard you had a daughter" he said. I walked towards him and......

And I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to wear he was the only one who could hear me. "Unless you wanna find out who you're messing with you better stop while your ahead......and yes i have a child, I adopted her idiot" I said and pushed him away and smirked at him.

"What was that about" Tatum said coming out of the teachers lounge. "Well everyone at school saw me drop off Royal at her school" I said. "Oh okay"

"Are we going to have signups for dance today?" Tatum asked and I nodded. "I will put out flyers and I will get Rowen to announce it since the is the coach" I said all in one big breath. "okey dokey" she said.

"Let's go to class shall we" I said linking our arms. "Yes your heinous, we shall" she said laughing. We walked to class and saw the one and only Rachel Jones.  Honestly I hate her, she's a bitch to everyone in this school....including me. If she knew who I really was, she would never even talk to me.

"Hey loser" she said standing in my way. "Oh hey slut, hows your minions doing?" I said with a fake smile plastered on my face. "UGHHH, your so ANNOYING!!" She screamed at me. "Oh Rachel, what a terrible comeback you had" I said snorting.

"Listen here you pig, I don't have time for losers like you" She said pushing me out the way. "Hey eyebrows look who one so stop acting like a child and never speak to me again, I don't wanna waste my breath on a worthless slut like you" I said and then I punched her.

I knocked her out stone cold. Now it's time to put the flyers up. Me and Tatum walked around school posting them on the walls, we saw rowen walking to my office. "Hey Ro are you announcing that tryouts are tomorrow" I said and she nodded and continued to walk.

The speakers of the school turned on one rowen started talking. "Boys and girls this is miss thorn to inform you all that we are creating a dance team, we are holding tryouts tomorrow at 5:00 after school". She said and it ended.

When school let out me and Tatum walked to royals school to see her arguing with another girl. I saw the other girl hit Royal and Royal started to cry. I went up to the girl and crouched down to her level. "Why did you do that" I said talking to the girl.

"Because she was trying to steal my boyfriend" the girl said crossing her arms. "Do you know who rebel thorn is" I asked. "Yes, like who doesn't.....she's like the best fighter ever, I wanna be like her someday" she said proudly. "What would you do if I said I was rebel thorn and Royal here was my daughter.

"I wouldn't believe you unless you had proof and she doesn't have a child" she said sassily. "Well I am her and if you ever do anything to harm Royal mentally or physically I will kick you out of that school and your mom will lose her job" I said standing up.

"O..okay" she said and ran away. I walked over to Tatum and Royal. "Tell me if anyone hurts you okay?" I said and she nodded. "If you wanna be like me Roy, you have to train like me in all categories. You have to learn how to not show emotion to enemies or let them see your weaknesses" I said walking to my car.

"If you also wanna be like me we have to start your training this weekend. We also need to have a spa day Saturday" I said getting in my car with Tatum and Royal. "Okay I'm good with that" Royal said.

"Tatum lets go get her a phone so she can call me when she needs me or anyone in the gang" I said. "Yeah your probably right. "You should go to school as Rebel thorn tomorrow" she said smirking. "Your actually right, I should. Then it would show them who the real top dog is". We drove to the apple store and walked in.

"Which phone do you want?" I asked her. "I want the iphone-xs" she said smiling. "Okay. Sir can I get two iPhone-xs one black and one gold. I want two apple watches, two iPad pros and two MacBook airs please". I said. He brought them all back. "Oh I almost forgot can I get two AirPods to please". I also said.

Before I payed, me and Royal went to pick out cute phone cases and pop sockets. "That would be $10,000 please" he said looking at me. I pulled out the money and handed it to him. "Keep the change" I said winking and walking away with Royal.

"Thank you mom, your the BEST!" She said and hugged me. "Thank you and your welcome" I said.

"Now what are we going to do?" Royal asked me

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"Now what are we going to do?" Royal asked me. "Let's see....oh there's this really awesome diner right down the road. We can go eat there and then go to the general store to eat ice cream" I said and she shook her head very excitedly.

I drove to one of my diners called 'Reb's dine-in-&-dine-out'. "Mom is this another place you own" she said turning to me. "Yes, yes I do" I said smiling. "Why don't you ever get caught being a gang leader"

"This town is nothing but gang related stuff. People from outside the town think we are perfect people, which were not. The police are actually people from my gang". I explained to her.

"COOL!" I laughed at the way she said that. We went into my diner and I saw....

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