33. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong with that?", Daniel groped in what had once been his hairstyle and resembled a nest now.

"A bit ... um ... chaotic," Domen replied quietly, unable to prevent his cheeks from blushing.

With a teasing grin, Daniel blindly pulled and pressed his hair flat. Evidently it didn't bother him what Domen had done to him. "Yeah ... must have been a hurricane in here... better?"

"Yes," Domen only managed a slight nod and hurried to the window when the Norwegian calmly opened the door. Silently, Domen stared at the wooden door, behind which Daniel joked in the best of moods, while Domen waited, holding his breath, for him to finally close the door.

He didn't want to think about it today. He had at least decided that, when he finally decided to come here. He had been hellishly nervous. Daniel made him nervous. The time until their date had been a torture. The flutter and crawling of thousands of ants in his stomach had barely kept him in the chair while Goran had discussed the plan for tomorrow with them.

That was all he wanted to feel. The flickering and crawling. He didn't want to think that at the same time it meant that these little animals would settle down themselves. Sustainably and mercilessly they would change their environment. Not this evening. He wouldn't think about this not this evening. Everything was fine.

And so far, this had worked brilliantly. Daniel made it easy for him. He could just be ... when they were alone. Not confronted with the outside world and only concerned with itself and trivialities. With the impact they had on each other.

Relieved, Domen exhaled when he heard Daniel say goodbye and finally shut the door.

"I hope you're hungry," the Norwegian said to him as they sat down together at the small table.

"Mmmh," Domen replied monosyllabically, as his gaze caught on a small white bowl and something wrapped in kitchen paper. "What's this?"

"Dessert." -

Curious, Domen wanted to reach for it when Daniel unexpectedly gave him a pat on the hand. "Au!" - "First the salad!"

"You sound like my mother," Domen grumbled, but he reached out for his cutlery.

"Wise woman," Daniel stated and Domen snorted.

"You've never seen her in the kitchen before. She usually behaves like a madman, "Domen remarked, shoving the first bite of his salad into his mouth.

"Why? Does she always cook for whole armies, too? When we have home training, I am constantly busy with distributing and collecting Tupperware boxes. Seriously: That's how I imagine professional protection racket, "said the Norwegian carefree and Domen liked the way, how Daniel's eyes were sparkling.

"The Tupperware boxes mafia," Domen chuckled in amusement, and Daniel nodded, because he had his mouth full of lettuce. "I wished! An example: For Christmas there was cheesecake. She baked it with Gouda. Because she hadn't any cream cheese ", the young Slovenian shook his head at the memory of that memorable afternoon and grimaced. The originally creations of his mother were mostly inedible. That afternoon too, Peter had been the only one who had actually forced himself to eat a bit.

"Oh. OK. So, you often had frozen pizza or something like that? ", Daniel eagerly asked to learn more about Domen's life outside of ski jumping.

"Nah. My dad used to cook. That time, the furniture store wasn't working well. He loves that and unlike my mother, he is talented. When we were children, Dad always hired us as assistant cooks. Cene has always cut out weird shapes of vegetables and drove my dad to insanity because he never finished off at time with his star-shaped carrots or paprika triangles. Unlike Peter. A machine couldn't have cut more accurately and faster, "Domen continued, remembering how jealous he'd always been about Peter. Because he was allowed to use Dad's good kitchen knife and he wasn't.

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