The Truth

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Nancy's P.O.V

After driving for half an hour, we finally arrived at Camp Crystal Lake, and Hell, did this place look abandoned. The "Camp Crystal Lake" sign was rotten and thrown on the ground, but it wasn't so bad, there's a lovely view of the lake.
"You guys set things up, me and Tina are gonna explore." Rod said to me and Glen.
"By 'Explore', do you mean 'Make Out'"? I said with a laugh, earning a chuckle from Glen.
"Maybeee." He replied, walking away with Tina, leaving me and Glen to set up the tents.

Rod's P.O.V

Me and Tina walked away from Glen and Nancy, leaving them to set everything up. After walking past a forest, we stumbled upon an old, abandoned-Looking cabin.
"Hey Tina! Wanna check it out?" I asked with an evil smirk.
"Hell no! That place looks like it's gonna collapse at any second."
"Pleaseeee?" I pleaded with puppy eyes.
"Ugh.. fine." She finally said.

We walked in, the floor creaking. We explored different rooms, until we reached one that looked like a little boys room. The bed was made out of wood, with the word "Jason" written on it. Who the hell's Jason? I asked myself.
"Hey, check this out!" Tina said, searching the draws.
I walked over to her, to find her holding a pendant, with a picture of a middle-aged woman on it, with the words Pamela Voorhees at the bottom.
Voorhees.. That sounds oddly farmiliar. "You should keep it as a souvenir, Tina." She agreed, and placed the pendant in her pocket.
We decided to head back to Nancy and Glen.
When we got there, they had set up the tents, and it was getting dark, so we decided to unpack our bags and place our things in our tents. Me and Tina sharing one, and Glen and Nancy had separate. After getting ready, we decided to make a camp fire, and roast some marshmallows.
Once we sat down, Glen said he knew the history of this place.
"Well, tell us the story then." I said.
"Fine." He said, "Legend has it that a young boy by the name of 'Jason Voorhees' drown in this lake, and the camp counselors were too busy having sex to save the boys life. His mother 'Pamela Voorhees' was furious and attempted to kill one of the counselors, but instead, she got her head cut clean off.. and it's said that her son, Jason.... never died. And he came back and murdered everyone who set foot in Camp Crystal Lake." Jason..Pamela.. it all makes sense... but Jason can't possibly come back again, right? "Anyways, it's dark now, we should get some sleep." We all agreed and headed to our tents.

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