he forgot.

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'hello, luna. i am unsure when this note will fall into your beautiful hands but i would like to inform you that i am not going to be around much. i apologize. i have something very important to do but i promise i'll spend tomorrow with you.' the scribbled hand writing stood out to luna as she stared at the note. she had found the note yesterday morning on her nightstand, it was currently the next day with no sign of draco. maybe he simply forgot. luna decided to give him time as she believed he was just occupied. the hours ticked by slowly and still no draco. draco had been busy planning something very special for luna. he had completely forgot his promise to her as he hung up small lights from the astronomy tower. as the sky began to darken, draco knew it was the time to do it. the blonde haired boy quickly ran to the library, seeing luna sitting there quietly with a few tears on her cheeks. oh no, this was his fault- he never meant to make her cry like this. "luna? luna, angel. come with me, please?" luna heard his voice and looked up at him, feeling sadder than ever. "why? so you can break another promise?" her words were like venom to draco. his heart broke a bit but he knew he deserved it. "please. its important." with a single motion, he picked her up into his arms and cradled her before taking her to the astronomy tower. lights lit up the surrounding area along with rose petals and a few blankets. he gently set her onto the blankets and wrapped her up with a smile. luna simply let this happen as she enjoyed it, still feeling hurt that he lied to her. "what is this, draco?" she whispered quietly and watched him get onto one knee. he knew he was ready to spend his life with her, as was she. "luna lovegood. i know this isn't the best proposal but im in love with you, and i personally think luna malfoy sounds good. so..luna, my angel. will you marry me?" by now luna was a mess, sobbing uncontrollably and choking on her tears as she nodded quickly. "yes! yes draco, i'll marry you!" maybe this did make up for him breaking his promise..who knows.
[editors note!- thank you for supporting this book and im so sorry about the delay of updates but i promise im trying! feel free to request anything and please keep supporting me, it lets me know you all want more from this!]

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