Moving to California Ch-3 *A few months later*

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You and your family were all packed up and ready to leave Oregon and move to California, you say your goodbyes to the house and start to drive away you've already sold the house and the cars that you once owned and already shipped the furniture to your new big house in California. Your parents rented a rental car to drive to the airport so Y'all can board the plane without having to pay for a parking fee. Y'all board the plane and wait for it to take off. Soon the plane takes off and hours later while being up in the air still, you and your parents fall asleep.

*A few hours later*

One of the flight attendants wakes you and your parents up and tells you that the plane is approaching LAX and will soon be landing. You quickly look out the window and see the beautiful sight of California you're in awe by how gorgeous Cali looks in person. When the plane lands y'all get off of the plane and get your luggage and then order an uber (skip the uber ride). Y'all arrive at your new big house and notice your furniture is already there. Your parents call for a few handymen to help you move in the furniture. When the workers are done, your parents pay them and they leave and Y'all start unpacking. You notice your parents have somehow finished before you and are calling a school to register you into it, you're still unpacking when you notice...

A/n: Sorry again about the hella short paragraphs:( A hella long paragraph will be coming soon tho:) <3

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