...detention and discretion...

Start from the beginning

Victor rolled his eyes.

"Nothing's good enough for you, is it Katsuki?"

"Oh shut up. You're the reason I'm here in the first place," and Yuri practically slammed into the locker as he slouched against the one next to Victor with his arms crossed, avidly avoiding any eye contact.

He had already had enough of the blue eyed rebel's insults and games in the last few weeks, or however long it's been.

And Yuri was not one to hide how he felt, especially in situations like these.

"Whatever you say, princess."

And at those words, Victor had lit up the fire, again, that Yuri had so desperately tried to distinguish since that stupid fucking fencing class earlier today.

Yuri reached for Victor's tie with fury in his eyes and nothing but pure hatred (or at least that's what he told himself) as he completely lost control for the second time....

Only to have to press pause at the sound of Mr. Laurent walking down the haunted hallways of this damn school.

Here we go...Victor chanted in his mind as he glared at Yuri, already preparing himself for the guaranteed, shitty lecture.

Of course, if Victor had gotten through all of the other lectures, the ones that usually started out with "you're a disappointment Nikiforov......"

He knew he could handle this one.

Especially if it meant annoying the little devil to his right in the process.

"Alright boys, this is about as painful for you as it is for me so let's not make this difficult," Mr. Laurent said sternly, as he passed in front of them and unlocked the door, leading them inside.

Yuri cut in front of Victor in the doorway and sat down in the middle of the very far row, with a pout on his face......

And the opportunity practically fell into Victor's hands as he purposefully chose to sit right across from Yuri with that same smirk.

Yuri was certain he was gonna have to use the #2 pencil on the floor to stab that son of a bitch to death as he glared sharpened daggers at the boy beside him.

He knew what he was doing and he hated, absolutely hated him for it.

But what was new?

"So, fist fight during fencing? Could one of you just not accept being a sore loser?" Mr. Laurent taunted with as he tapped his ball point pen against his clipboard in anticipation. "Looks like neither of you got a good punch in."

Victor from the beginning hadn't actually intended on punching Yuri's stupidly pretty face in, but he couldn't say the same for Yuri.

Yuri would've swung, and swung hard.

Yuri scoffed and leaned back in his seat, putting his feet up on the desk almost as if Victor and him had switched tendencies in some kind of freaky Friday incident.

"I can accept a loss, thank you very much," Yuri said, surprisingly with pride as he glanced at Victor with a devilish smile, which he returned with a bloody sarcastic one.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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