Chapter 2: Stranded

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After flying for a couple of hours trying to keep my balance while carrying my friend. We find an island off the eastern coast. It is a small island that isn't too noticeable. I go for a landing but I crashed into a couple of trees and a river while Patrick lands somewhere near me.

I emerge from the water. I lay on the river side looking at the sky. Patrick walks up to me. "What a landing Zach." I look at him with a tired look. "Dude that was the first time i've ever flown." I sit up and I look at him. "How did you burp fire?" He looks at me with excited eyes. "I have been practicing magic for some time now but, nothing was happening until I saw you." I close my wings and I stand up and I look around. "This is a perfect place to hide and not just that to survive." I whisper so, I start to break trees down but, after some time while Patrick watches, my wings, tail, and scales start to fade away like dust and I fall to my knees breathing heavily. Patrick runs and picks me up and sits me next to the river and, I see my hair fades back to a dark brown.

My eyes stayed in dragon shape though. "Well looks like we are stuck." I say with harsh breaths. Patrick yells from behind me, "Wait what?! We're stuck here?!" I nod knowing that he is looking at me. "I don't know how to transform but, my eyes haven't gone back to normal." I stand up looking at my body my shirt gone. My pants torn up. "We have everything we need here." I point to the trees I broke. Passed the fallen trees were animals, like pigs, cows, rabbits, sheep, and all other kinds. I knew that if we master our abilities we could help everyone untie as a people and not fight one another but, I thought my friend thought the same.

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