The Secret of the Night by Lady Lake a Toby Turner fanfic

Start from the beginning

One by one, the healers left the bedside, the last one closing of the door behind her. In the flickering candle light, Toby dipped a square of cloth in the bowl of warm water left by the healers, and gently used it to stroke the injured witch's eyes. Then, taking up the Lady's limp hand, he settled into the bedside chair and prepared to wait through the remainder of the long, cold night.


'Where... where am I? '

Toby jerked awake with a start when he heard the words being said. He stared down at his patient, an immense wave of relief coursing through his body. The witch was alive! And from the looks of things, she was on her way to perform a full recovery.

'You are in La, ' Toby told her. 'I found you last night, lying unconscious and nearly on a path coming from the forest. I carried you inside, and my father's healers tended to your wounds. Please, tell me your name and how you came to be here. '

'My name is Lady Lake, ' said the witch. 'I come from Wilmington on sea. I was on an errand from my father, to issue an important message to never land. But last night... All I remember is that I was riding through the forest when suddenly I was attacked by a group of oglers. At least 69 surrounded me. I tried to escape, but there am so many, and I had only my diamond sword for protection. And that is the last thing that I recall. I do not know how I came to be here, or why I am not dead. '

Toby smiled at her. 'The stars must shine favourably on you. To live through such an ordeal... that is more than mere luck. ' It was more than luck, too, that Lady Lake had wound up in LA and Toby T had found her. Now that they two were together, it felt almost like fate had lent a hand. Lady Lake was meant to be here, and Toby was meant to have found her. Why, Toby did not know. Nevertheless, it felt so certain.

It also did not hurt that Lady Lake was one of the most beautiful individuals Toby had ever seen. Her sleek black hair contrasted with large, dark blue eyes set in a lovely face. And her sculpted body, half-hidden by the bed linens, was a further attraction. Toby could hardly suppress his desire to run his hands over that soft hair and perfect body. However, he kept his feelings under control. Lady Lake had just barely survived a nearly fatal encounter. Now was not the right time for romance.


Within three days, Lady Lake had improved enough to leave her bed. Gabuscus gave her a new set of clothes, and she was able to wander the corridors and gardens by herself. Nevertheless, the one thing that troubled her was Toby's absence. Since the morning when she'd first awoken in LA, she had not seen Toby at all. It was almost as if her rescuer had simply disappeared. SHe had asked Gabuscus where he could be, but Gabuscus had no answer. Toby went without a trace.

Lady Lake desired to speak with Toby again, and properly thanks him for saving her life. But he also just wanted to see the handsome man once more. She could not explain it, but she felt a deep connection to Toby, either forged by the lifesaving bond or some other power. SHe knew that Toby was someone special. Someone he had to see again.

It wasn't until the sixth day after Lady Lake had recovered that Toby returned to LA. He rode up to the same path where Lady lake had been found, dragging a net filled with the heads of oglers behind him. .

'Here are your oglers! ' He called to Lady Lake. 'I found them hiding out in a cave not far from here. '

Lady Lake stared in surprise. Eyes going wide. 'You killed... all of them by yourself? '

'I cannot let such dangerous creatures roam free in our lands, ' Toby replied. 'And I did it for you. They nearly killed you. I do not want anything like that to happen again. '

Lady Lake could feel her heart pounding as Toby spoke. Toby killed those offers at her. Before she could stop herself, she leapt at Toby and threw her arms around his neck, kissing the brave Man on the lips.

Toby Turner laughed in surprise, but did not pull away. 'What was that for? '

'Just a thank you, ' Lady Lake said. She smiled, but when she saw the sudden serious look in Toby's eyes, the smile faded. 'What is wrong? ' She asked, worried.

'Lady Lake, ' said Toby, 'I have to confess something to you. That first morning you were here... I thought you were so beautiful. I wanted to kiss you then, but I did not know how you would react.

Lady Lake gasped in shock. 'Kiss... me? '

'I thought that I must not, because of the terrible ordeal you had just suffered. It was not the time. Nonetheless, these past few days while I was gone, I could think only of you the entire time. And now... '

'Toby...' Lady Lake sighed his name. 'I thought about you as well. All the time, while you were gone. I was worried I would never see you again. '

Toby Turner lifted his hand to gently stroke Lady Lake on the cheek. 'I regret that i ran off like that. I should have said something to you. '

Taking a deep breath, Lady Lake said, 'Toby, there is something I have been considering over the past several days. I think we were designed to find each other. What happened to me... It was no accident of fate. I was supposed to come here. You were meant to rescue me. '

A bright smile broke across Toby face as soon as Lady Lake had spoken. 'You know, ' he said, 'I had been thinking the same thing! That night when I found you I had been worried am unable to think. Some strange power led me out to the terrace, and that was when I saw you. '

Lady Lake took Toby's hand. 'So you think... we are meant to be together? '

'I have no doubt of it. ' Slowly, Toby leaned in and kissed Lady Lake softly on the lips. 'I love you, ' he whispered.

'I love you too. Toby,' Lady Lake whispered in return.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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