James stiffened at that.

Tristan noticed this and noted at him.

"He was in talks for Nadine's marriage to the San Diegos--I think the oldest son, even though Zenaida prefered the Gamboas." He shared. "But they backed off because of the news that you and Nadine are together. You know that family, they're very private. They don't want to be on the spotlight Nadine is basking on right now. And Zenaida, I think, was too embarrassed to try and negotiate with Gamboas, as well. She didn't want to look like a bad mother, or look too desperate with the crisis in the company and all. They want to pretend everything's going well."

James kept silent, absorbing everything Tristan had said.

"But they still have something up their sleeves. They won't let this pass. Dennis was really angry at you. And Zenaida is desperate for her daughter, or should I say doll?" He wondered out loud.

James's face grew severe.

"What are they planning to do?" He asked.

Tristan shrugged. "I'm not sure. I don't think they have a concrete plan yet. So you have some time."

"Dennis found out about you working for Elysium, by the way. I'm thinking he plans on doing to you what he did to your mother." Tristan said offhandedly.

James felt even more worried now. And it's not because of Dennis.

He actually already expected that from Dennis. That whichever work he found, his brother wouldn't let him succeed. That was one of the reason he had been so secretive all these years.

"He won't be able to do it to me." James just say.

"I know." Tristan said. "Of course, you wouldn't sell your own hotel to him, right? Don't worry, he still don't know about that bit. Or about your little secret here in Baguio."

"...But you do." James said. "Since when?"

Tristan shrugged dismissively. "For a while."

James still couldn't read him. And for the first time in a long time, he really wanted to figure him out.

"What else do you know?" He asked.

"Nothing I will betray you for." Tristan said, smiling at him. It was a different smile this time. Somehow less cold than his usual smile.

"Will they still try to marry off Nadine to someone else?" James asked.

"I'd say yes. But that would be difficult now, right?" He asked, now grinning and looking like he wanted to laugh.

James just nodded.

"Relax, James." Tristan says. "Sit down. I do have an advice for you."

James looked at him curiously, but sat down across from him, nevertheless.

Tristan's face turned serious.

James looked at him, waiting.

Tristan released a sigh.

"You should probably return Nadine to them." He said seriously.

James just stared at him, his face void of expression.

"The crisis in thr company is serious and with your scandal, investors and shareholders are hesitating on investing in our company. You know our world. Image is everything. Well, next to money." He said. "So maybe lie low in the meantime? Tell Nadine not to post photos of you guys for now."

"Nadine isn't a possession to take and return." James said, face stony. "And I didn't know you care about the company."

"I know, sorry about that. I respect Nadine." Tristan said soothingly. "And about the company, I did tell you people don't expect much from me." Tristan just say.

"I didn't know I was part of the company, either." James commented this time, taking notice of Tristan using the term 'our'.

Tristan couldn't help but smile at him in amusement this time. "But you are part of it." He said.

Tristan shook his head. "But it was just a suggestion, James." He said. "I won't try to make you do anything you don't want. But I know you James. Even if we aren't as close as how brothers should be, you are still my little brother. And I know you're not like Dennis. You'll do the right thing--for Dad as well. It is the company he founded. It would be a shame for all his hard work to come to nothing. Anyway, you still need some time, don't you?"

James's eyes widen at what he last said. But before he could react, Tristan had already stood up. James followed suit.

"Well, I guess I should be going. I really just wanted to try that hot chocolate from Choco-Late de Batirol. Say hi to Nadine for me, will you?" He said cheerfully. And then he made his way to the door and outside, never looking back at James.

"James?" Someone called and James turned to look, already knowing it was Nadine.

"Did we have a visitor?" She asked. She was only wearing a robe.

James sighed and sat back down on the sofa. "Yeah." He said.

Nadine moved towards him, looking worried.

"Who was it?" Nadine asked, sitting beside him.

James shook his head dismissively. "We need to talk."


They went to Manila the following day. James had called Tristan and told him his decision.

They went to James's old house--where his Dad live. This is where he agreed to meet with Tristan, Dennis and Zenaida there.

Tristan watched what was happening in front of him with an expressionless face.

Nadine and James were distant, even cold to each other. Nadine has not even looked at James since they arrived. They were both just quiet, sitting in the living room, not touching.

And then Dennis and Zenaida arrived.

Zenaida had went straight to James and slapped him. James remained quiet and Tristan noted Nadine didn't even react.

"How dare you?!" Zenaida started ranting. But James wasn't talking.

Tristan saw Dennis about to go to James angrily, too, but he held him off.

"Don't." He just says. Dennis glared at him and removed his hand from his shoulder but didn't go to James.

"Nice to have this reunion, huh?" Tristan couldn't help but comment. "I think Zenaida here is more excited to see James, though. Hasn't even looked at her daughter she had claimed to miss, and went straight to him."

Zenaida glared at hin.

"Stop it." Dennis said, both directing it at Tristan and Zenaida.

Tristan just shrugged.

This time Zenaida had went to Nadine and grabbed her arms violently. She started whispering harshly at her but Nadine never reacted. And neither her or James looked at each other again.


AN: next chapter will probably be the last.

Sunless World (JaDine AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang