Part 2

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Today started out like any other day. I got up took a shower and went to have breakfast with my parents. I entered the dining room and on the edge of the table is a letter. I reconise the envelope. I can see the fear on my parents faces. "This came this morning." My mom says it with a worried voice. I gently open the envelope. My heart is pounding in my chest. I feel like I'm going to faint so I sit on the chair. I read the letter out loud. "Dear Mrs Soutas. We would like to inform you that Sergeant Johnathan Soutas went missing in action and we are doing everything in our power to locate and bring him back home safe. General Hale." I cry hysterically. My mom also start to cry. I get up from the chair and grab my car keys. "Mia, please don't go, you can't drive when you are in this state."
"Dad, I have to go before they find out from someone else that their son is missing." I leave the house and get into the car. I start the engin and sit there for maybe five minutes that felt like a long time. I wipe the tears from my face. "Get yourself together Mia. John is missing not dead. They will find him." I pull out of the garage and left the driveway. I listen to music to try and get my thoughts away from John being missing. I pull up in John's parents driveway and get out of the car. I walk towards the front door with the letter in my hand. I push the doorbell. Andy comes to open the door. He grabs me around the neck and start to cry. "My brother is missing, John is missing." I start to cry also. His mom comes to the door. I can see her eyes are also red. We console one another. "My son is missing, my son is missing." She fell on the floor. "Mary, Mary are you okay?" She opens her eyes and are even more pale now. Andy rush inside to get his father. He came storming out. "Mary ! What happened?" She stumbles onto her feet. "My blood sugar is too high I think !" He help her to the sitting room. I sit next to Mary while John Senior went to get her glucose meter. She did her glucose and it is too high. We calm her down and take her to the hospital. I sit with Andy when I receive a phone call from the school where I'm a teacher to find out where I am and why I never came to work today so I tell them and they tell me I can stay home as long as I need. We go to Mary and she is finally able to go home again. I sit and tgink again about our wedding night and how we danced the night away and how John held me and promised to love me forever and a day. I went home again still thinking about the way John looked me in the eye the entire night. I suddenly feel sick and vomit. My mom knocks on the door. "Mia, are you okay?"
"Yes, mom. I'm okay. It's only my nerves killing me." I open the door and went out again. She hugs me. "Are you sure it's only your nerves?" I look at my mom. "What else could it be mom?" My mom says smiling,
"I don't know? Maybe the stork came to visit before John left?" I walk towards my phone and check the calender. "No ! No ! No ! Damit !" I start to cry. I only noticed now that it has been nearly two months that I have not had a period. I went out to the drug store to buy two pregnancy tests. I came back home and sat in the loo too scared to look at the test I did. My heart is pounding in my chest. I peep over the box and see two fat lines. I feel like I'm going to faint and feel dizzy. I take the tests and walk towards my bedroom. I sit on the bed. My mom knocks on the door. "Can I come in?"
"Yes." She comes to sit on the bed with me. "Did you do it?" She says excited.
"Yes mom I did the test and yes mom I am pregnant." She grab me and hold me so tight. "It came at a bad time I would say mom !"
"Nonsence it came at a perfect time."
"I really miss John and wish he could come back home so we could be a real family."
"You know baby, John is a stuborn man. When he makes up his mind, it's done and no one can change his mind. You tried and did not succeed."
"Yes nom. I know."
"Let's go and nake supper." I laugh while saying, "No, please. I don't feel like making dinner. Everything is still making wild turnings in my stomach." I fell asleep after my mom left the room and woke up when it was already pitch black outside. I sat by the table and was busy having my supper when something caught my eye on tv. I left my food and went to sit in the sitting room. My dad is also sitting there. "It made national tv that John is missing but I see there are six in total soldiers that went missing." I sit there without saying anything. My dad said goodnight and left. My mom went to bed early cause she has the flu. I fell asleep in the sitting room lying on the couch. I woke up after a few hours with a bang on the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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