She pulled the bandages back up to her eyes and welcomed the familiar darkness that enveloped her sight, she had spent so much time in this room that she didn't need the snakes to direct her to the door anymore but she let them do so anyways.



"Step over fallen blanket~"

"Open door~"

Nemuri took Ishi's hand once she stepped out of the room, she lead the small terrified and shaking girl to a large barren field with several white paint lines meant for measuring and training.

"Aizawa will be out here with his class in a little bit, from what I understand a lot of them are friendly, one of them gets really angry so he might be a little scary okay?" Nemuri explained, "You are far enough away that you won't be around them, if they look for you they might find you but unless they do you will have your space, Aizawa will be on the lookout for you so you will be safe no matter what" Nemuri pulled the small girl to her, closing the distance between them. Ishi's snakes rubbed their heads across Nemuri's cheeks, a gesture she had long since gotten used to, she was confused at first but later learned it was a symbol of their trust and love.

Nemuri ran her hand down Ishi's cheek one more time before saying goodbye and running to the teachers room to do last minute planning for her classes, Ishi stood on the edges of the field just waiting, waiting for something terrifying to happen. She wanted to go back to the safety of her room, to avoid new things and new people. People that she might accidentally hurt, the thought made her remember all of the people she had hurt, not just hurt, killed. But she was scared, she didn't want Nemuri to be disappointed in her, she seemed so relieved and happy when Ishi had agreed to come out. So she would stay, at least for a little while.

She became alert when she heard the crunch of many shoes on hardened soil, her head tilted in the direction it came from as her body followed suit turning so she could 'watch' what was going on better.

"Aizawa~" one of the snakes cooed near her ear fondly





"Bomb~" Ishi panicked, there was a bomb with one of the students. Was the person just imitating a student but really planned to kill everyone there?

"Explosive quirk~" her breathing returned to normal when she realized that it wasn't a real bomb but just the persons quirk that was bomb-like.

The snakes kept describing all of the new students in Aizawa's class but she tuned out when he started to talk. She used his voice to ground her, to shake the panic from moments ago from her body and sooth the shaking she had been experiencing since the moment she was asked to go outside.

She was startled when a loud explosive sound shook the air in the field, her eyes glazed over, she didn't see darkness, she saw light, she felt pain, she heard screaming, screaming was everywhere, civilians ran from her captor. Acid sloshed up in a wave burning their clothed calves, people cried out for help and she was held in the middle of it all, acid burned a handprint on her arm, a mark she would keep forever. And it was like time froze, their eyes met and her captor turned to stone in less time than it took for her to blink, the acid continued to roam the streets devouring everything.

she was shaking, crying into the dirt of the U.A. practice field. Her snakes had had to deal with many such breakdowns in their life with the girl so they immediately sprung into action hissing platitudes to the young girl, trying to draw her out of the memory of her distant traumatic past, the student continued to use his explosions for his tests making all of their attempts futile. As long as that kid used his quirk the only ones who could draw Ishi out of her pain at the moment were Aizawa and Nemuri.

It Struck A Heart String With Many (BNHA x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin