Chapter 22.

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"i dont know about you, but I'm feeling 22" sorry I had to... We are on chapter 22 guys!!!

Emily's POV:

My left cheek is burning, I feel weak as I watch Harry hit Ben on the floor.

Ben fights back as usual but misses Harry many times. Ben grabs one of my grandmothers vase's and hits Harry on the head with it knocking him down on to the floor. Ben climbs onto of him and hits Harry's jaw. I crawl over to them standing up and pull Ben.

-"Stop it! Stop it now." I pull Ben's t-shirt.

-"Get off me, bitch." Ben pushes me.hard. I fall to the floor and then Harry pushes Ben off him punching him.

-"Don't you fare fucking call her that again." He shouts and punches him one last time until my uncle and cousin Jason come in pulling both of them appart.

-"You need to leave." I look at Harry, pain in his eyes as he notices the words coming out of my mouth.

Does he think I'm saying them to him?

-"Emily." He whispers.

-"Its about time someone got rid of this asshole, ever since you came into Emily's life, you have changed her." Ben huffs.

-"You need to leave now." I turn to Ben."before I call the police, Ben." I hold back the tears.

This is too much, all I wanted was to go home and he just needs to inter fear.

I look at Harry smiling as relief washes over his face.

He actually thought In was talking to him.

-"What?!" Ben says.

-"You heard me, now get out and don't ever come back." I yell.

Jason lets go of Ben and he walks past Harry.

-"This doesn't end here." He mumbles walking past my grandmother. -"Ella, Josh we are going home." He says.

-"Dad will pick us up later." Josh says.

-"I said we are...." I cut him off.

-"Fuck off Ben already." I shout watching as he leaves slamming the front door.

I run upstairs and go in my room closing the door behind me, sliding down it while sobbing and bringing my knees to my cheast.


I finish packing and take my shower.

I pull Harry's sweater over my head and the cent of mint fills my lungs.

I carry mine and Harry's bag down stairs and run back up to get my boots and Harry's.

I walk to the kitchen were every adult that saw the fight is in there.

-"He had no right to hit her." Jason says.

-"He had no right to treat her like that." He also says.

-"Is over now." My grandmother says. -"She will be okay in a couple of days."

-"Yeah, Harry will take care of her." I hear my untie Sue say.

-"Yeah." He mumbles.

You know when they say that your ears burn when people are talking about you behind your back? The saying, well that how I felt but not just my ears but My whole body was burning.

-"You guys cant stop pitying me, I'm right here, and I'm leaving. Harry?" I look around the kitchen. God knows when I'll be back to see this kitchen again. We've been here like 2 days and with all thats happened is just two much and I never meant for Harry to get hurt.

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