Chapter 4

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I can't believe I have 1000 reads!! Thank you guys so much and tell me what you liked/didn't like about the story in the comments.

Mia couldn't stop thinking about Will. Everything around her reminded her of him. The giant teddy bear on her bed, the unopened bag of Swedish Fish on her bedside table (that was his favorite candy); they all made her think about the mistakes that she could be making. She didn't really know why she hadn't told Will that she would be moving. It must have been because she didn't want to hurt him more than she had to. It was still the beginning of summer vacation, and she would be in Pittsburgh just in time for the beginning of her senior year of high school. I can't believe I didn't realize that I loved him until yesterday. Mia thought with dismay. All she wanted to do right then was to be with him, but she felt guilty for shooting him down after he had gotten the courage to confess how he felt. Just then, Mia's mother walked in and gave her a surprise.

"I found these while I was cleaning out the drawers downstairs." She said, and handed her two free meal tickets for Chipotle. "I don't have any use for them because Mexican isn't my favorite, so why don't you go with a friend?" Mia immediately thought of Will. He loved Chipotle and maybe she could use this as a chance to talk to him some more.

"Thanks." She said. She called up Will to see if he was free.

"I got two free meal tickets for Chipotle-"

"Chipotle? I love Chipotle! Whenever it is, I'm coming." For some reason, that made Mia crack up. She hadn't heard Will laugh in so long, that just knowing that she made him happy improved her mood.

"Okay." She said between laughs. I was thinking tomorrow around noon?"

"Great. And this is just as friends right?" There was a hint of hopefulness in his voice. Mia's heart skipped a beat, but she kept a composed front.

"Yes, William. Just as friends." She thought she heard a little sigh, but Will continued like nothing had happened.

"Okay. See you tomorrow."



⭑ ⭑ ⭑

Mia was in her room getting ready for her date with Will. Wait. HOLDUP. This was not a date. She was the one who had said so. Still, she wanted to look nice for him. She had picked out a casual yet cute outfit, and had styled her hair differently than usual. She never wore makeup but decided to try some on today. When she looked in the mirror however, she didn't recognize her self. Giving up, she sighed and began to rub off the makeup. She let her hair hang in it's usual loose curls and stuffed her phone into her back pocket. This time when she looked in the mirror, she saw a ordinary brown-haired girl. She wasn't stunning, but she was herself. Just the way Will liked her. When the doorbell rang, Mia ran downstairs and opened the door to find Will in a plain blue t-shirt and khakis. Just the way she liked him.

"So are we going to Chipotle, or what?" He asked excitedly.

"Yes, we are going to Chipotle. Are you driving?" They both tried their best to talk normally to each other, but something was off. It could be a lot worse. Mia concluded.

After Chipotle, the two of them decided to wander around for a bit, but then it began to rain. They were only a five minutes walk away from their car, but the rain was so thick that it was impossible to see anything.

"Hey this is like the day when I first met you!" Will shouted over the sound of the wind. Mia was fumbling with her phone, when Will suddenly got a phone call. He answered it without looking at the caller ID.


"Hello Will Jay. This is Mia and I am currently stranded in the rain. Do you think you could come pick me up?" Will looked at her and laughed.

"Actually Mia, I'm stranded in the rain right now too," He said into his phone. "-but I will always be there to pick you up." He put away his phone and lifted Mia onto his back. She shrieked and put her arms around his neck. His short hair was plastered to his face.

"Choking... not good..." He sputtered.

"Oh god, sorry." Said Mia loosening her grip. He laughed and piggybacked her all the way back to his car. He had such a firm yet gentle grip on her, and he smelled like- was that honey? This is not helping, Mia. You are never going to date this boy. When they got to his car, he lowered her into the passenger seat, then jogged to his side of the car and slammed the door shut, blocking out most of the noise. After a split second of silence, they both burst out laughing. Mia could feel herself falling for him more and more every second. As long as they were together, she couldn't stop herself. He was just so perfect. She didn't want to ruin this moment, but she sighed anyway and said, "Maybe you should take me home now." He looked at her up and down, then said,

"Not like that, your mother would kill me. Why don't you come to my house and get dried off?" Mia bit her lip and thought. Spending anymore time with Will won't be good, but my mother certainly will not be happy if I come home soaked. Maybe just another hour...

"Okay. But I should be home before dinner."

"Sure." Will said with a shy smile. Oh lord not that smile. Mia thought her heart would melt so she looked out the window instead. The raindrops raced down the windows as he drove through the rain. She sneaked a glance towards Will. Their eyes met, and Mia felt heat rise to her cheeks. Shoot Mia, did he see you blush?! She avoided his gaze for the rest of the drive.

When they arrived at Will's house he gave her a towel, and an extra shirt of his and directed her to the bathroom. She dried and changed quickly, then walked back to Will's room. The shirt she was wearing smelled like him, and made her feel giddy with happiness. Nooooo. Pull yourself together. Will had changed out of his wet clothes as well, and his hair was spiked up from drying it. He gave her a smile as she walked in. She laughed when she saw his hair and walked over to pat it down. She reached up, but just then Will tripped over something and pushed her onto the floor, falling on top of her. He was a complete mess: blushing, apologizing, falling, apologizing, and finally managing to stand up. He pulled Mia up after him easily and began to apologize profusely, but Mia was only paying attention to their intertwined hands. And how close they were standing together. She looked up at him, and his words faded away. He stared back at her breathing hard. She stood on her tiptoes, and kissed him. Will's arms wrapped around her waist, but Mia was already pulling away. She set her forehead against his chest and whispered to herself,

"Just friends. Just friends." But that kiss had felt so right. She looked back up at Will and immediately became lost in his eyes. His arms were still around her waist.

"Hey." He said. "You okay?"

"I think..." Mia said thinking carefully. "I think we can be more than friends."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." He was grinning from ear to ear. He picked her up spun her around like a princess. She laughed and fell into his arms

"Yes!" He shouted. She hugged him tightly.

"Thank you." Mia said quietly.

"For what?" He replied.

"For not giving up on us." He kissed her forehead, and she understood. I never want to leave him. She thought. Will held her for a while, and although Mia knew that she would have to tell him that she was moving, the last thing she wanted to do was ruin the moment. She rested her head against his warm chest and closed her eyes. For one moment, everything was perfect.

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