Chapter 1

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On the day their lives merged, the weather was terrible. Will was hunched over in the rain clutching his umbrella and walking quickly, while Mia was stuck outside the bakery utterly umbrellaless. She hugged herself and began pondering if it was worth running home through the downpour, but then decided she didn't want to catch a cold. As she waited for the rain to cease, someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up and saw a tall muscular asian looking boy, staring at her in a concerned way.
"Are you waiting for someone?" He asked. Mia shook her head and said,
"I forgot my umbrella so I'm stuck here." The boy thought for a moment, then looked away and said,
"I'll walk you home, if you want." Mia didn't know who this guy was, or why he was being so nice to her, but it was getting dark, and she didn't know how much longer it would be raining.
"Okay. I'm just a few blocks down." He smiled warmly and offered her his umbrella.
"I'm Will by the way." He said.
"I'm Mia, and you keep the umbrella, I'll just walk next to you." She replied. He nodded and they began to walk down the street together.

When they reached Mia's house, she stopped and thanked him. She began to walked up the steps when Will stopped her.
"Wait. I want you to have this." He handed her a piece of paper. She opened it and read,

just incase you get stranded again :)

She smiled and looked up, but he was gone. A little disappointed, she opened the door and walked inside.

A week had passed since Will and Mia had met, and neither one of them had spoken to each other since. Mia had actually considered calling him once or twice, but she didn't know what they'd talk about. So another week passed, and still nothing happened.

One afternoon, Mia was sitting in her bedroom reading, when someone knocked on her door. Her mother walked in and said,
"Someone named Will is here to see you." Mia must have looked surprised because her mother said, "Do you know him?" Mia said,
"What? Oh yeah I know him. Is he downstairs?" Her mother nodded as Mia stood up and rushed down the stairs. And there was the boy who had walked her home in the rain, standing sheepishly in the doorframe.
"Are you busy?" He asked.
"No. Why?"
"I thought you might wanna go for a walk with me." It was a beautiful summer day, and Mia had the choice of going with Will or reading TFIOS for the fourth time. She gladly decided to join Will on the walk. She told her mother that she would be back soon and closed the door behind her. They walked in silence for a while, but eventually Will said, "You never called." Mia looked up at him and saw that he had a pouty face. She smiled to herself, then cleared her throat and replied,
"I never got stranded." He was clearly holding back a laugh, but instead he said,
"Fair enough. Why were you out in the rain anyway?" From there, the conversation flowed easily. Mia told him about her hobbies of playing piano, reading and drawing, and in turn she learned that Will was part of a boyband called IM5, but in his spare time he liked to play nintendo. As it just so happened, Will lived only a few houses down from her, so it was easy for him to find her. By the time they got back to Mia's house, she considered him to be a good friend, and since it was summer vacation they decided to make plans to get together again.

The next day, Mia was bored again, so she called up Will. And so, they ended up spending time together everyday for a week. They became closer, and learned that they had a lot in common. By sharing their love for music and reading with each other, they quickly became best friends. Mia had always been an outcast at school because she was considered a nerd, but she didn't mind. She liked being by herself, but Will made her feel different. He made her feel like she really mattered to him, and of course, she loved being with him.

One day, Will asked Mia if she wanted to meet the band. She had heard so much about how they were all great guys and agreed happily. He said that he had to go to the studio for a bit, so he could pick her up on the way, then they could get ice cream afterwards. She said that was fine with her, and in five minutes Mia was on her way to meet the rest of the band members. When they got to the studio, she saw four boys. A friendly guy with golden brown hair introduced himself as Cole and told her that she could watch them recording through the glass. Mia listened as each of the boys sang a portion of a song. Will had a such beautiful voice that Mia couldn't stop smiling when he came out of the room.
"Wow I didn't know you could sing so high." She said and handed him a bottle of water. He looked at the ground and smiled shyly.

After that, Mia went with Will, Dana, Cole, David, Gabe, and Gabe's girlfriend to the ice cream shop. They had fun hanging out together for a while, until Will said he should get Mia home before her mother got worried. Then he realized he had left his car at the studio because they had driven here in Cole's car.
"I can walk home." Mia said brightly. "After all, my house is less than a mile away."
"No I have a better idea." Cole said. "Gabe can drive you back to the studio so you can get your car," He said to Will. "-and I can drive Mia home. I have to stop for gas anyway, and that's on the way." Will looked skeptical, but when everyone chimed in saying that it was a good idea he reluctantly agreed. Mia hadn't really talked to Cole one-on-one that much, but he was Will's friend and she knew he could get her home safely. She said goodbye to Will and everyone else, then got into Cole's car.

When they got to Mia's house, Cole said,
"Thanks for coming with us today. It was fun having you there." Then he took her hand, pulled her forward, and kissed her. She was extremely confused, but she didn't pull away. She didn't close her eyes either. When he finally let her go, he whispered "I hope you didn't mind." She was still in a daze so she just stared at him until she realized what he had said and shook her head vigorously. He smiled and said.
"Okay then. I'll see you soon." Mia forced a smile and waved as he drove away. What had she gotten herself into?

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