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Friday was boring I laid on my bed listening to music on my iPod and finishing homework that I missed. I couldn't text anyone cause they were all in school. Harry didn't start till Monday but I don't know I guess I didn't feel like bothering him. "Why does homework have to be so boring?" I asked myself but someone else answered. "Dad? Dad is it really you? I thought you were gone. You can't be here you died."

"But it is me katie. I have missed you so much bunny." My dad was the only person that called me bunny. He gave me the nickname when I was about 10 because everyday I would eat carrots and never get tried of them. I was about to responded when I felt someone shaking me.

"Katie. Katie wake up." I knew that voice from the moment he said my name. I turned my head fast and I saw him sitting on my bed. "Hey." Harry said with his beautiful that I would never forget then if faded "katie are you ok?" I didn't know what he was talking about till I realized I was crying.

"Oh yea I guess had a bad dream that's all." I wiped the tears and he came closer to me taking me into his arms.

"You want to talk about bunny?"

"What did you say? Did you just call me bunny?"

"No I asked if you wanted to talk about you dream."

"Oh sorry. Well it started off perfect. I was here listening to music and doing some homework when my dad showed up and I couldnt believe it and then you woke me up."

"What was so bad about that?"

"My dad." I paused trying hard to fight the tears. "He passed away a year ago. He was involved in a drunk driving accident."

"Katie.. am so so sorry baby girl." He pulled me closer and wiped the tears that started to form in my eyes. 

"It's fine it just felt so real. I thought he was really here."

"Well why don't you come downstairs I made you something to eat." He picked me up and carried me down and into the kitchen. He set me on the chair with a plate in front of it and the one next to mine looked the same. 

"Harry you don't have to do this for me really." I didn't want him to keep doing all these things for me. It was nice but I felt bad.

"I know but I want to." He walked over from where he was grabbed the two plates and planted and very nice kiss on my lips. He made eggs, beacon, and pancakes for the two of us. We ate and I hopped to the other room and fell onto the couch. He followed and when he sat down next to me I lifted my legs and placed them over his lap and turned on the tv.

My mom wouldnt get home from work till late and harry stayed with me the whole day. Around 11 he helped me upstairs before leaving.

"Harry wait before you leave could you do something for me really fast." I said trying sound innocent. He walked away from the door and back to the bed.

"Anything for you." 

"Would you be the first to sign my cast?"

"I would love to." I took the Sharpe from the desk next to my bed and handed it to him. He slide to the end of the bed and picked up my right leg. Uncapped the pen and spoke as he wrote. "Katie you are the most amazing person ever and the most amazing girlfriend to. From the moment I met you everything changed I knew I had to get you whatever the pain I had to take you and make you mine. I love you katie forever - harry styles."

"Harry did you really just quote one of your songs." 

"Yes I did because its true and I really do love you katie." I was amazed harry styles just said that he loved me. 

dreams do come true- harry styles love storyWhere stories live. Discover now