-restaurant struggle-

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On Thursday I was in my room watching pretty little liars on Jordan's iPad, when Noah came in and said that we were going to dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant. I grabbed Tyler's big sweat shirt (I LOVE it, cause it is really big and comfy) and went to the car. Noah told me that Jordan, Tyler and Caleb had already left (keep in mind that we always have to go in two cars). 

Ethan and Noah went in the front and I sat in the back. I got a message from Liv, my best friend. We started arguing about a silly thing that happened at school. That's why when we sat at the restaurant table I kept looking at my phone.

"Allison, put down your phone and decide what you are eating, we've already called the waitress" Jordan told me. I didn't even answer. "Alisson. Put. It. Down" he repeated, greeting his teeth.

"Why dont you everr do the things when you're told to do them?" Caleb said, rolling his eyes.

I was freaking out. Caleb is usually on my side. Jerk...

"Fine!" I shouted, slamming my phone against the table, maybe a little to hard. Everyone at the restaurant stared at me for a sec. Shit.

"That's it Alli. Give it to me" Noah said, while extending out his hand in front of my face. I couldn't give it to him, I needed to solve things with Liv, so I shook my head and continued texting.

"Now Allison"He repeated. I did nothing. "K, don't give it to me" he said.

I knew Noah wasnt going to give up so easily, but I figured he did not want to make a scene in the restaurant. We finished eating and went out to the cars. I forgot that I was in trouble.

"Jordan, Caleb and Tyler in one car. Ethan, Alli and me in the other one" Noah ordered us

Ethan sat in the driver's seat, and I sat in the back seat. Noah sat besides me, which surprised me, since I expected him to have sat in the passenger seat. 

(sorry guys but I did not know how to explain this without repeating a thousand times "sat" or "seat"lol)

"Last oportunity, give me your phone" he told me, while Ethan started driving home

"But I don't want to" I answered. I kept fighting with Liv, and that Noah bothering me didnt help me to be in a better mood

"I don't care. This is your last warning"he said in a stern voice. 

"I'm not going to give it to you Noah, so don't keep fucking asking!!" I replied, shouting and rolling my eyes and turning slightly so he would leave me alone.

He didn't answer, unbuckled my belt and I do not know how I ended up face down in his lap. Is my brother really going to spank me in the car? Just for not giving him my iPhone? This is ridiculous! I was too confused to beg him not to do it


"Are you going to give it to me now?" he asked, calmly.

Auch. My butt hurt too much to react

"Just give him the fucking phone Allison" Ethan intervened, getting really mad. He really doesn't like to be distracted while driving, and I deffinitely didnt want to get my ass even more beaten.

"Okay fine, fine, take it" I said, slamming it into Noah's hand.

"Thank you. You aren't getting it back in two days if you stop with the attitude, am I clear?"

"Crystal!" I replied, with attitude again. Idk why I act like that when I'm in trouble.

When we got out of the car, Ethan said to my ear: "if you stop with the attitude I will try to convince him to return your phone before"

I just looked at him with the face of: "You know perfectly well that I'm too dumb to leave the attitude" I ran up the stairs and slammed the door of my room, and though how much I hated to live with all guys, no one understands me!!! Tyler went into my room and we watched riverdale in his Mac. Apart from the sore bum, It was not such a bad night I guess. 

It is Monday and I still haven't got my phone back, because I lied to Caleb :( But I think Imma get it tomorrow maybe... wish me luck!

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