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Later that day at school, I had dance so I was practicing for a few hours.

Then I heard something... Someone crying who?

I slowly put my hands on the door and pushed it open I then looked down to see a girl crying.

At a locker near mine. Then I realised that girl is, no it-it can't be its...

Stephanie. Wow I have never seen her so sad she is usually so bratty

She sees me and tries to make it look like she is OK.

Stephanie: what do you want?
She says with a stuffy nose

I sit down next to her in the floor

Elissa: I'm not hear to cheer, I'm so sorry what you're going through.
I say whispering

Stephanie: you don't mean it, you wouldn't be nice to me when I have wrecked your life.
She says crying

Elissa: you're right I'm not your biggest fan but we women shouldn't get s*ut shamed and men don't.
I say mad

Stephanie: Anderson get to the point!
She says still crying

Elissa: that this is wrong... You shouldn't have this happening to you.

Stephanie: you shouldn't be here I'm such a cruel person and you're here being your great self.
She says trying to smile

Elissa: well I... I guess that's just mh personality.
I say with a laugh at the end

Stephanie: look I'm so sorry I have treated you like shit for all these years, I don't earn your forgiveness.
She says apologetic

Elissa: I appreciate the sorry but you're right I can't forgive you.
I say telling the truth

Stephanie: truth was... I was jealous you have great friends and Oliver he really cares about you.
She says smiling

Elissa: Really?
I say shocked

Stephanie: he made a huge mistake but he kissed her for a good reason.
She says confused

Elissa: what do you mean?
I say awkwardly

Stephanie: let's just say that, he had a present for you and alexa said she wouldn't tell unless he kissed her.
She says annoyed

Elissa: That stupid bi-
I say mad

Elissa: listen I got to go, hope you will feel better.
I say standing up then running out the doors

Next day at lunch

I say Oliver sitting with his friends. I walk up and then he looks up to see me.

Mark: what do you want... Kiddo.
He says annoyed

Wait he knows the nicknames Oliver gives me.

Elissa: hey idiot, but I didn't come to talk to you.
I say back to him

Mark: listen Oliver. Doesn't want to talk to you.
He says annoyed

Elissa: wow well believe it or not its a free world...i can talk to who ever I want.
I say in sarcastic tone

Oliver: what do you want to talk about?
He says drinking his water

Elissa: well since all your friends are listening in... Could I talk to you later.

Skip to the end of the day

Oliver walks up to me as I'm leaning on my car door on my phone

Elissa: hey.
I say smiling then putting my phone away.

I walk a bit closer to him

Oliver: so what do you want to talk about.
He says looking at his feet

Elissa: I never gave you a chance to tell your side of what happened and I'm so sorry, but I now know what happened.
I say awkwardly

Oliver: so what you trying to say?
He says looking up to me

Elissa: that maybe we could try again.
I say nervous

He looks at me shocked

Elissa: or em maybe it's to soon.
I say about grab my car door handle

When I feel something grab my arm and spin me in to them.

Oliver looked at me with a smile

Oliver: I thought you'd never ask.
He says with a smirk

I laugh

Oliver: but only if you're sure.
He says serious

Elissa: yeah I'm sure, I have missed you... Alot.
I say smiling

Oliver: well I will let you go home.
He says letting go of me

Elissa: bye olly.
I say getting into my car

Am I making the right decision, I really like Oliver so hopefully this time will be better

I get home and start my homework, then I get a text from Chase that.

Blew my mind. I grabbed my jacket and slipped my shoes back on and started driving back to school at the town 5:57pm.

I finally reach the school and I see Chase,zoe, Sebastian and Indiana standing outside.

There was a police car and 2 ambulances and the there was me seeing this from my window

I got out and then ran to chase.

Elissa: what do you mean by sos!
I shout

Chase: Em Well.
He says nervous

Thanks for reading

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang