[03 : 52]

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With his bony fingers hooked into the wire fence and the tips of his worn out sneakers doing the same, Wonpil's lithe body steadily and quickly climbed the obstacle of about three metres and down it again, landing swiftly on the other side with a satisfied clap, while Dowoon watched in astonishment.

Yeah, he couldn't do that and look as cool at the same time.

"You can do it, Woonie," Wonpil encouraged, gaze flitting around before settling upon the other's hesitant form.

Sighing, because yet again he was doing dumb things for the sake of his friend, Dowoon attempted imitating what he had witnessed Wonpil do and latched onto the wires, trying to pull himself off of the ground and find his footing.

It only took a few seconds and he understood how to move with ease, nervousness dissipating from his body when he reached the top and eventually came down next to the brunet, relief and pride briefly washing over him.

"That was good, Tarzan," Wonpil joked, playfully nudging the taller with his elbow as he began walking to the side of the building.

Mumbling his thanks, the fleeting glory of having overcome such a small feat being swept beneath a rug of increasing anxiety, Dowoon stuck to the older's shadow, occassionally peering at the dark corners.

"How come we're going from here?" He asked, referring to them now having reached the side of the construction and trailing along the outer wall.

"There's a broken window we can easily enter from somewhere. . . here!"

The abrupt exclamation made Dowoon jump, but it seemed Wonpil didn't notice for he poked his head in through the empty frame where glass had once been, and turned it left and right.

"We're going to need to use the phone's flashlight," He murmured under his breath, head popping back out and hand already reaching into his pocket to fish out the device.

Bright light now on, Wonpil gave it to Dowoon to hold and set his palms upon the windowsill, heaving himself up and over the stones, into the building.

Dowoon stilled in apprehension, scarcely seeing the figure of his best friend in the blackness until he lifted the light higher.

"Are you sure this is safe?"

"Nothing in life is certain, bro."

He exhaled in defeat, nodding his head and joining the other in the dark.

"Guess you're right."

"When am I not?"


For his teasing - but honest - response, he received a shove from Wonpil along with a huff, and he let out a chuckle, feeling more relaxed remembering that he wasn't alone.

"Don't be a dick," Wonpil uttered with a frown, snatching at the phone and waving it around to see what type of surrounding they then found themselves in.

Also taking this as a chance to see what the building's interior was like, Dowoon's eyes followed where the light shone. They saw nothing other than graffiti and alcohol bottles, cardboard boxes and packets of a variety of things tossed by people, plus a couple scattered, padded blankets, torn and with stuffing pouring out.

"Well, let's go deeper in," Wonpil eventually stated, already leading the way.

"But, what if there are gangsters or -"

Dowoon didn't want to admit aloud that he was terrified that there may be supernatural monsters waiting to attack them a second time, so he cut himself short, biting on his bottom lip.

LATE NIGHTS. - k.wp + y.dwTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang