[04 : 26]

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Work had been gruelling and the lack of sleep he had been suffering only made it far worse. Dowoon didn't know what to do, but letting down Wonpil by not meeting up with him was definitely not an option on his list.

And yet, no matter how hard he tried to keep himself awake until the message he suspected he'd get arrived, his eyelids fluttered shut and his hands turned limp, phone dropping to beside his head.

He didn't know for how long he had been asleep, but when a loud tapping resounded through his room, he jolted upright, hair a bird's nest and one eye more open than the other.

Whilst glancing around in the darkness, trying to see if anybody had entered, another sharp knock was heard and his head snapped to his shut window, startled.

Hurriedly checking his phone and grimacing when it quite literally seared his eyes, he saw at least fifteen new messages from Wonpil, a missed call, and that it was almost half four in the morning.

He grunted, shut it off, and dragged a hand down his face, forcing his eyelids to stay apart.

Another knock and Dowoon stumbled off his bed, tripping in his sheet and rushing to the window, prior to fumbling with its handle and sliding it open.


His call was cut short as a pebble soared past his head, only marginally missing his ear and dropping into his room.

"Holy shit. Sorry, dude!"

Dowoon sighed, foggy mind trying to decipher just what exactly was going on as he looked down at Wonpil, who was tossing the miniscule stones he must have collected, back to the ground.

"Was this the best form of communication you could think of?"

"My apologies, good sir, next time I'll send you a note via pigeon instead."

A lazy grin was all that Wonpil offered with his reply and Dowoon shook his head, a hand struggling to untangle his unruly hair.

"You wanna hang out?" He drawled in question, giving up on making himself appear presentable and setting his forearms on the windowsill, dejectedly.

"If it's not too much of a problem."

Nodding, Dowoon pushed himself upright and flapped his right hand twice, his left rubbing at his eyes.

"Yeah, no worries. Give me a second."

"Thanks, Woonie."

Once he was clothed and down the tree, the taller looked to Wonpil, gaze briefly scanning over the latter until it came across the subtle quiver in his fingers, then rising to meet his smile which now came off as strained.

Something was wrong but Dowoon didn't mention it, unwilling to risk making the other uncomfortable.

"So, where do you want to go this time?"

"I was thinking the river. It's calming to watch it flow."

He hummed in agreement and then shuddered at the slight chill in the air, belatedly noting how, again, Wonpil was wise enough to cover himself with an old zip-up hoodie, whilst he only wore a T-shirt.

The narrow river which ran through the town was quite a fair distance to cover by walk, and so he hoped that the exercise would help him warm up, if anything.

Dowoon stole a furtive peek at the shorter who wordlessly stayed at his side, eyes distant and a sombre smile plastered across his lips on automatic.

He hoped Wonpil was alright.


Hope it's decent

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