Surprises......and more surprises.

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Me and Harry stumbled down the stairs, until we made our way into the kitchen, that was now filled with smoke.

"Louis!" I yelled, coughing and hitting the fire alarm with a dish cloth until the annoying noise stopped.

"I'm over here!" Louis coughed.

I squinted around the room until I saw Louis standing at the stove holding a peice of soggy toast.

"I may have possibly set the toast on fire..." Louis stated, looking at the ground.

"Louis! Now my house smells like smoke and...oh my god louis! You burnt yourself!" I yelled rushing to his side and holding up his hand, that was now covered in red blisters.

"You know, your not supposed to touch the fire Louis." Zayn stated, walking up behind me. I shot him a look, then looked back at Louis.

"Thank you captain obvious." Louis laughed, investigating his hand.

"So it doesn't hurt?" Niall asked, poking Louis' hand.

"Well that hurts dummy!" Louis whined, pulling his hand to his chest.

"Better take him to the hospital." Liam sighed, putting a hand on Louis' shoulder.

"I refuse to go to the hospital until I get toast!" Louis pouted.

"We will get you some toast at the hospital!" Liam said, dragging Louis out the door.

"I guess i'll go too" Niall sighed. "We will meet you at rehearsals."

"Wait for me!!!" Zayn yelled, running out the door.

I laughed then turned to Sarah, who was standing in the corner, looking very confused. "I'm going to go meet up with Gramma, she wanted to talk to me about something, I don't know." I stated. "you wanna come? We can go shopping later? I need a new dress, cus Harrys taking me on a date"

"Oh I am, am I?" Harry smirked, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Well I figured sense you feel better. You could take me on a proper date?" I laughed Turing around and kissing him on the cheek.

"But of coarse" he whispered, taking my face in his hands and kissing my lips.

"PDA!!" Sarah yelled, covering her eyes and running over to me, locking our arms together. "and yes, of coarse I will go shopping with you Ally! I mean I think you need my fashion sense."

I laughed, and turned back to Harry, "And you better get to rehersals and explain why ur the only one there mister!" I yelled, waving a finger in his face

"Yes sir!" He laughed, kissing my cheek and sauluting, before walking out the door.

"Call me if something happens!" I yelled.

He stuck his hand out of the car and waved, before driving off.

Sarah rolled her eyes before dragging me upstairs to help her get ready.


"Sarah!" I yelled from the kitchen. I was standing at the stove, trying to clean up the mess that Louis made. He is a hand full, that boy.

I laughed to myself as Sarah came hopping into the room, trying to pull on her sneakers.

"What are you laughing at?" she asked, opening the front door.

I held up the soggy peice of black toast that was laying on the kitchen counter and threw it at Sarah.

"Ewwwww" she yelled, swatting it away with her hand.

I laughed, before picking it up, tossing it in the trash can, and following Sarah out the door.

When we got to my grams house she was waiting in the doorway for us. Let me start out by telling you that me and my gramma don't always see eye to eye. Ever sense I found out that she could have taken care of me instead of me having to live in foster care all my life, and that she refused me, I have pretty much hated her. And she hated me, so I was quite confused on why she wanted to talk to me.

"Hey gram" I said, forcing a smile.

"Allison" She stated simply, without an emotion on her face. "I have very important news to tell you, do come in. But leave your....friend here."

I looked at Sarah, giving her an apologetic smile before following my gramma inside.

"Sit." She stated, pointing to a folding chair next to the sofa where she was sitting. "As you probably know, I do not enjoy having you in my house."

"I'm sure you don't" I smiled, popping my bubble gum, trying my best to bug her.

She sighed before continuing. "I just thought you would like to know that your father wants you to live with him, instead of that filthly little house thingy you have now."

"My fathers dead, now if this is some sick joke, then I'm leaving!" I shouted, starting to stand up, but she grabbed my arm forcing me back into my seat.

"You didn't know? My god do I have to do everything!" She muttered the last part. She sighed and looked up at me. "Sweetie, your father is alive."


DUN DUN DUNNNNN! Plzz! I must know what you peopel think!

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