In the dark

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She woke up to ringing. She answered, knowing that it was no good. She packed her bag. She didn't care that it was 2 in the morning because all she cared about was him. She drove to the address.
"Hey~ Amanda~!" he said, his intoxication in his tone.
She was used to him calling her by the names of other girls. It was dark. She wasn't mad that he talked so openly about hating her. She knew he did.
She dropped him off at his house. She drove off. Drip. Something landed on her hand out the window. Drip. It started to rain. Splat. She continued to drive as it poured on the dark streets of New York. Sploosh. She was focused, but still not balanced. Drop. She blinked once. Drip. She blinked twice. Sloosh. She closed her eyes once more. Splash. But her eyes didn't open again.

Author's note:
I'm trying to write shorter prologues. How's this one? I like it, but I want to know what others think of it. Byeee!


(word count: 175 words)

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