Chapter Three- The Cathedral

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Hunnigan was quick to get ahold of us after the bus crashed.

"Leon! Helena! Carter! Are you okay?!" She asked. Leon sighed.

"Yeah. For whatever reason...we're still alive." Just in the way he spoke, I could tell that he was so upset that we hadn't been able to get the survivors to safety. He made his way over to me, and knelt beside me. I began to shiver, as the rain was soaking me and making me cold. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah...yeah. I'm just a little sore is all." I said, and let him gently pull me to my feet.

"Alright. Let me know if you need a break, alright?" He asked, gently brushing my, now wet, hair behind my ear. I smiled, it always helped me relax when he did some kind of sweet, gentle gesture like that. I nodded.

"I will." I said, and we looked over to Helena.

"We're cutting through the cemetery to reach the cathedral." She said, and we began making our way up the path way, through the cemetery, and to the cathedral. We made it to the gate, only to find that it was locked. I looked around, and saw a house sitting just a ways away from the cathedral gates.

"Hey, maybe the key is in there." I said, and went down to the house and began to look inside it. I opened a door inside, when a zombie dog jumped out at me! I screamed and fell backwards on my butt. Leon and Helena ran in. Helena made it to me first, and gently helped me up.

"Are you alright, Carter?" She asked, and I laughed a little.

"Yeah, I just got given a scare is all. I think that zombie dog has the key to the gate." I said. We went after it, and we got the key, then finally unlocked the gate. We headed into the courtyard, but a zombie suddenly jumped us, knocking Leon into the lower area of the cathedral! "Leon!!" I called.

"Leon, are you alright?" Helena called too.

"Well, nothing broken anyway. Good thing, too. I kinda doubt you'd be doubling back for me." He said. I frowned.

"Hey, I resent that comment!" I said, making him laugh.

"I'm kidding, sweetheart, I know that you would." He said. Helena laughed too.

"You never know. Meet us at the Cathedral." She said, and we made our way down to the path and Leon soon met up with us. We made it to the courtyard, and Helena pounded on the doors. "Hello? I know someone's in there! Open up!" She said.

"Are you crazy? Those things will kill us!" Someone from inside responded. We turned around as zombies began climbing over the fence surrounding the cathedral.

"Look, it's just us! Hurry up and let us in!" Leon said.

"Bull crap I will! I can hear 'em out there!"  The guy replied. I sighed, exasperated, so I tapped Helena's shoulder. When she looked at me, I pointed to my stomach. She caught the idea.

"Seriously! We have a woman that's pregnant out here!" She said, and we began taking down the zombies. She looked at me again. "Good idea!" She mouthed. I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. While we were taking care of the zombies, they were fighting inside about letting us in. Finally, they opened the door, and we all three rushed in, shutting the door behind us. Everyone in the cathedral looked at us.

"Um...are you..." The man who asked didn't finish his question, and Leon sighed.

"Sorry, but we aren't rescue workers." He said. Everyone sighed, and went back to waiting. I began to shiver violently as I was now soaking wet and very, very cold. I was going to go look around with Leon and Helena, when Leon stopped me. "You stay here and try to warm up." He said. I nodded, and sat down on one of the pews. He kissed my forehead, then went with Helena. One of the ladies in the cathedral came over to me. She gently felt my arm.

"Oh, you're ice cold! Here, I have an extra shirt that you can have." She said, and began leading me to one of the side rooms.

"Oh, I couldn't take your extra clothing, Ma'am!" I said, but she smiled.

"Oh, nonsense! You're freezing! I'd rather you have it and get some use out of it." She said, and handed me a t-shirt. I pulled off my soaking wet shirt, and pulled on the dry green one that she had given me. It actually fit me rather well! She then handed me a zip up jacket. "Here, take this too. It will keep you warm." She said. I smiled.

"Thank you very much. Really." I said, as we walked back out to the main room. We sat down, and she began brushing my wet hair,

"Don't worry about it. We all need to help each other in awful times like these." She said. I nodded, and she soon braided my hair. "If you don't mind my asking, how far along are you?" She asked. I smiled.

"About six months." I said. I enjoyed talking about my baby, or kids in general, with people. As she and I sat and talked, I didn't know that Leon and Helena had come back in. Suddenly, the altar at the front of the cathedral separated and opened, revealing a stair case. One man approached it, but I stayed back with everyone else. Suddenly, the man was sprayed in the face by a monster of some kind! We all jumped and moved back. Once the man stood...he was a zombie! I gasped.

That's what got this outbreak started!

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