Chapter 2

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Lilly's pov

" LUCAS" I scream crying as I tack him in a hug infrint of everyone

" Lilly why are you crying" he growls out

" Lucas it hurts please make it stop"

" I will come down, tell me baby girl"

" He rejected me because I'm weak!!"i bawl out

I hear gasps all around from the wolves and they growl out because you shouldn't reject your mates ever!! they also fell protective over me

" Tell me"! Lucas screams out

" I can't" I stutter out. I hate when he yells at me

His eyes soften" please your my sister I need to know who"

Once again gasps !!!!!!

They all fell protective over me because

1. I'm the betas sister

2. I'm the pack warriors daughter

And 3 they are about to find out!!

" Alpa Blake" I sob out

That's it all wolves growl out and especially my brothers. oh yeah he just pulled up. he's the pack doctor soo that's why.

3. I'm there luna

"I have to go!!"i whisper

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