Just Maybe

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I don't own anything besides the plot and OC's.

Peter/ Spidey POV

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes around 9 am. I slowly sat up because I was sore from the training sim from last night and slowly remembered what happened that caused me to become that mad. I immediately rushed over to my phone but was stopped when I saw Ava sitting at my desk chair with her back to me. She must have heard me because she turned around and looked at me. When she did, I gasped. Her eyes were red like she had been crying for a while and she looked so sad. I walked closer to her and held my arms open to give her a hug and she ran into them and started to cry into my shirt. I don't know how long we stood their before she finally stopped crying, but the thing that surprised me was that she had fallen asleep leaning on me. I carried her over to my bed and laid her down and pulled the covers over her before going to take a shower. When I got done she was still asleep so I did a patrol through the city stopping at my aunt May's house to see if Ava had told her anything, but she just said Ava ran to her room and refused to talk. She also asked if I had seen her because she hadn't seen her that day, and I told her she was at my hangar when I left. After leaving my aunts house I went back to my hangar and noticed Ava was still asleep so I took another shower and then ordered some pizza. By the time I got back from picking up the pizza Ava was awake sitting on my bed deep in thought. When she finally came back to reality and noticed I was their she gave me a small smile. I offered her some pizza which she accepted. We sat there eating in silence before she finally spoke up. "Thank you" she said in a small quiet voice. "For what" I asked confused as I had done nothing out of the ordinary to deserve a thank you. "For saving me last night" she responded in that same small voice. I looked at her and said, "Ava look at me." When she did I continued. "You never have to thank me for that we are friends and even if we weren't I am a super hero we help people out of the kindness of our hearts." She gave me a full smile the first one I had seen from her since the accident. Then she said. "Hey Peter." I looked up from the pizza I was eating and raised my eyebrows in question. She continued. "I was wondering what happened to Mark." "I called the cops and said that he was trying to rape a woman, and then had Fury back me up when I went to the hellicarrier to vent my anger in a training simulation." She nodded and then asked why I was so angry that i needed to go through a simulation to let it out. I looked at her for a moment before I said. "Ava I told you yesterday I had a crush on you from day one. You were beautiful, smart, strong, talented, and had a great heart. As we worked together I slowly fell in love with you. I wasn't kidding when I said that. That's why when I saw what happened I was filled with so much rage that I obliterated the course Cap and I set up to test and expand my skills. While I was saying this I had gotten up and started pacing. I finally turned towards her, but I was looking at the floor and said. "Ava Ayala I truly love you for who you are, and that is why I refused to work with you and the team because to be around you and not be able to hold you and make you smile or laugh, or to comfort you when your sad would be to much for me and I couldn't take that." With that said I looked up and saw Ava with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. She stood up and ran towards me and tackled me in a hug. This surprised me greatly.

Ava/ Tiger POV

Peter was telling me why he got so pissed off that he had to take it out in a simulation, and as he explained he expressed how he truly felt about me and it reminded me of why I fell in love with him in the first place. When he finished I got up from where I was sitting and tackled him in a hug. When I pulled back I stood up and helped him up to. I looked at him and said, Peter I am sure now more than ever that I am in love with you too, but after what has happened I would like to wait a bit before we try a relationship if that is still what you want. "I would like nothing more." He said and I looked in his eyes and unlike last night when I had looked into the eyes of Mark. I saw a look of love and understanding. As we were standing there looking into each others eyes an alarm went off near the computer. Peter immediately rushed over and paled. "Electro is on the loose. I have to go." he said turning around only to find me already in my suit with my mask on. "I am coming to or did you forget I was a super hero." 

Peter/ Spidey POV

As I turned around already pulling off my shirt and reaching for the spider emblem on my chest to start having my suit expand. I saw Ava with her suit and heard her say she was coming with me. I didn't even bother trying to talk her out of it I just motioned her to follow me. We got into the jet and I heard Tiger telling the team to meet us at the coordinates Electro was last seen.

When we got to the coordinates Electro had already caused a city wide power outage. After 2 hours we finally managed to knock him out by dumping water on him. I turned to Ava and asked her if we could talk she nodded and told the team to go debrief fury while she went and talked to me. We hopped in my jet and headed toward the moon. Quick note while I was doing missions for the Black Panther I spent time in space building a small base on the moon. I landed on the roof of the building but it immediately sunk down into the building taking us down to the hangar. The entire building had been pressurized and had oxygen in it as well. I turned towards Ava who seemed surprised at where we were at. She turned and asked "What is this place?" "I built this place to be a bunker in case I ever had to lock up any of my villains here because of the danger they present to earth. Right now though it is the only place where SHIELD can't find me due to cloaking. Now I wanted to ask you if you were okay." she nodded and said, " Yes, because of you he wasn't able to do anything, but it was still a scary experience. On the bright side now I am single." she smiled and continued, "I was thinking about it last night and I realized that I would like to date you, but I need some time before I can. Plus I don't want something to happen to us and you think I used you as my rebound." she said and I nodded and then spoke up saying, I understand I agree you need some time and if after that you still want to date me then I will be waiting for you. I have said it before and I will say it over and over again until I die. I love you Ava Ayala and I will for eternity.

Sorry about the long wait I have been taking a class to become a manager for my job. I will try to update at least every two months.

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