Heartbreak and Anger

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Spider Man" so do I get to go on a date with Ava?

Me: Do the Disclaimer and find out.

Spider Man: Halfcal 4 doesn't own anything besides the plot and any OC's.


The Wall Crawling Menace is back from the dead! Well I have new for him he should have just stayed there!

Peter/ Spidey's POV

I was doing a fly around of the city to make sure everything was good before I headed to SHIELD. With Fury bringing me back from the dead the only time I have to myself is when I escape to my warehouse or am flying around. Fury has asked me to come back to SHIELD and lead the team again, but Ava has become their leader and I will not take that from her. Instead Fury  and I decided I would join the team and in time if they decided to make me leader again I would except. After finishing my fly by of the city I headed to Aunt Mays house. After rushing off yesterday to fight Doc. Ock I haven't gone back to see her. I jumped out of my  jet and left it in stealth mode over the house. I walked inside and was met with Aunt May talking to Ava. They hadn't seen me and I didn't want to interrupt so I waited, and listened.


I was talking to Ms. Parker about Peter. I had promised to go out with him if he revealed himself to the team, but now that he has I don't know what to do. Since he left I have started dating another guy from school. so when I woke up this morning and went down stairs I asked her a question. "Ms. Parker I have a problem. I have been going out with a guy from school, but now that Peter is back I don't know what to do." Ms. Parker looked at me and said, "Ava no one can make this choice for you, but if it was me, and I was happy with the guy I was dating then I would explain everything to Peter and ask for some time to decide what you want." "Thanks Ms. Parker." I said, but when I looked up my heart shattered. When I looked up I saw Peter Parker, The Ultimate Spider Man, with a broken look in his eyes.

Peter/Spidey POV

When I heard Ava was in a relationship I knew immediately I had to back off. It hurt to think that I couldn't be with her, but it was my fault for leaving. When I saw her look at me I gave her a weak smile and said, "Ava I hope this guy you are with makes you happy." I then turned to Aunt May, "I'll be back Aunt May I need to go talk to Fury." and with that I walked outside hopped in my jet and flew to the Hellicarrier. I needed to change the arrangements that Fury and I had discussed about me joining the team again. With Ava going out with another guy it would be to hard for me to see her much less work with and take orders from her. I explained the situation to him and he understood so I now will work by myself, but I will help the team when they need it. After that I went to my warehouse and contacted the bank that Aunt May payed the loan on her house and paid off the rest of it which left me with 1.25 million left from the money given to me by the Black Panther. I then started a savings account that I put 750 thousand in  and then I invested the rest into stocks so that I was making money without needing a job. Although Fury is paying me the same as a normal agent which is about 65 thousand a year. With that done I turned away from my computer only to come face to face with Ava. I sighed as I didn't want to talk to her right now, but it looks like I don't have a choice. 


When I looked up and saw Peter I froze I didn't know what to do. I heard him say, "Ava I hope this guy you are with makes you happy." He then turned to Ms. Parker, "I'll be back Aunt May I need to go talk to Fury." By the time I had unfroze he had left. After realizing this I ran upstairs to Peter's old room that is now mine and cried. After I finished crying I got dressed and went to the warehouse that I had followed him to when he first showed back up. Fury had messaged me when he left the Hellicarrier which was roughly an hour ago so he should be here. I went inside and saw him on the phone with a bank so I stood quietly near the entrance until he was done. While I was waiting I thought back to when I had first met Mark.

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