after sex kisses

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updates are going to be slow, but i'm starting to write again! hope you enjoy xx

Lazy, slow presses. Limbs pressed together, chests heaving. Soft murmurs about what to do for dinner later, fingers trailing down backs, tracing lazy patterns. B rolling onto their back and A trailing their lips down their neck, kissing their shoulder, their chest, anywhere they can think of, memorizing B.

You had never been so warm.

You were laying on your stomach, head resting on Alfie's muscled bicep, your body still trembling slightly from the aftermath of such an earth-shattering release. Your smaller hand was cupped in his, fingers loosely intertwined as Alfie's free hand drew shapes on your bare back. You could feel the way his chest rose and fell with heaved breaths, his skin radiating a type of warmth that you couldn't resist.

"You alright?" Alfie asked, his usually gruff voice soft and gentle. His lips were at your shoulder, and you felt them press to the skin there, the action causing you to turn over so that you were face-to-face with him, noses brushing. "Didn't hurt you or anything, did I?"

You shook your head with a soft smile at his concern, leaning forward to kiss him properly, the sweetness between your lips different from the harsh tongue-and-teeth kissing from earlier.

"You're a gentle man, Alfie," you assured with a quiet murmur, lips barely moving as Alfie's thumb traced the swell of your bottom lip, his eyes half-lidded and full of unadulterated love. "At least, you are with me."

Alfie tilted his head forward again, unable to keep himself away from your mouth for long. You let out a pleased hum as he drew an arm around your naked body, pulling you snugly against his. His fingers tapped patterns into the bare skin of your hip, and you wondered if he was speaking in Morse Code.

"Alf, we should probably get started on dinner," you sighed, his lips moving down to your neck. There was innocence in the touches, and your fingers gently stroked the back of his neck as he peppered sloppy kisses along your collarbones, laughter rattling in your chest. "I always get hungry after."

"Yeah, in a minute, love," Alfie hummed, placing one last kiss over your heart before settling back against the pillows, tugging you closer and pulling the sheets over your shoulders, his lips finding the top of your head. "The thought of getting out now is quite dreadful, innit?"

"Yes, quite," you mumbled sleepily, your lips brushing against his shoulder with every murmur. Your body moaned audibly with hunger, and you pinched Alfie lightly. "But I'm hungry."

Alfie laughed at the sound, his fingers threading through strands of your hair and scratching at your scalp. If it were up to him, he would drop everything he had in London and fuck off to some farm in the middle of nowhere if it meant he could spend every night like this. Maybe eventually, that would be his reality. But not yet.

It was quiet for a moment, your fingers tapping rhythmically against the tense muscle of his stomach. His hand covered yours then, abruptly cutting off the movement. You glanced up to see him already staring back at you. You smiled.

"What're you thinking about?" Alfie asked, his voice incredibly soft in that moment. "Fucking radiant, you look."

"Can I be honest with you?" You asked, shifting around until you were on your stomach, balancing your weight on your elbows. "Not that I'm usually dishonest with you, I just—"

Alfie pinched your lips between his two fingers to shut you up. "Go ahead," he said smoothly, clearing his throat gruffly. "Let me
hear it."

You took his hand, holding onto it with your lips pressed to his knuckles, fingers smoothing along the soft skin of his forearm. You wondered how to form your next words in a way that wouldn't freak Alfie out. But then you realized that this man was a gangster, and had faced much more terrifying things than what you were about to suggest.

"Have you ever thought about having children?" As soon as you asked the question, you felt his entire body stiffen. "With me, I mean."

Alfie blinked his wide eyes, pretty pink lips parting slightly as he thought about your question. Fear began to pool in the pit of your belly, cheeks turning pink with embarrassment. You stayed quiet, pursing your lips.

"Um," Alfie began finally, his voice quiet. "Yeah. Sure."

You stared at him. "Yeah? Sure?"

He nodded, eyes still wide. "If you want?" Alfie offered meekly, his shoulder lifting in a shrug. You gaped.

"But do you want?" You asked. Alfie didn't say anything. "Alfie, do you want kids with me?"

You were almost terrified of the answer, waiting with baited breath as Alfie collected himself.

"Of course," he struggled out after a moment, and you felt yourself immediately relax. "But are you sure that it's me you want kids with?"

You smacked his chest. "Of course, you fool," you answered crossly, trying not to smile at the sight if Alfie's crooked grin. "There's nobody else in the world I would rather have children with, Alf. Nobody in the world but you."

Alfie's grin widened, his hands grasping your sides and nudging you onto your back, his body nestled gently atop of yours. You arched up for a kiss, and his mouth met yours for a small, passionate moment before Alfie ducked his head down to your neck, teeth closing around a tender bit of skin there.

"Right, dinner can wait," he murmured huskily, hands moving down your body. "Let's get to work on that baby, then."

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