"in the dark"

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The movie plays in the background, but A and B are hardly paying attention from the back row. They kiss soundlessly, long and soft, fingers locked. A's arm is thrown behind B's seat, wrist bent to curl their fingers into B's hair.

You and Alfie had always thought parents were over-exaggerating.

When you had first fallen pregnant, Polly had told the two of you over a million times; pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences in the world, but parenthood was a whole new can of worms. It would be the most difficult thing either of you had ever done.

And the two of you had brushed it off, until you popped out your beautiful baby girl, and she refused to sleep a wink since she had come out of the wound.

Ever since you had given birth, you and Alfie had completely devoted to giving each and every second of your time to your beautiful daughter. Alfie had put Ollie in charge of the factory until further notice, so that he could spend as much time as possible with his family. Little Polly Solomons would never know what it's like to grow up without the unadulterated love of her two parents.

But your aunt Polly was right, which shouldn't have been so surprising. Parenthood was the biggest challenge you had ever faced.

Between the hunger, the changing, the need for constant attention, and the outright need to cry herself to sleep, little Polly was giving her parents a run for their money. And the many sleepless nights were taking a toll on the new parents.

Thankfully, aunt Polly had showed up to Camden town one evening, claiming she had just been passing through, but while she was there, the two of you might as well let her babysit.

You knew Pol well enough to know that she hadn't just been passing through, but you remained silent on the fact, handing Alfie his cane and his coat before taking your own.

"Where are we going?" Alfie asked groggily as he watched Polly bustle around the kitchen with little Polly in her arms. "And when did she get here?"

"Don't ask questions, just go," you urged, slipping on your shoes and practically dragging Alfie out of the house. "Polly has come to save the day, apparently."

The two of you walked hand in hand down the streets of Camden, bundled up against the chilly weather.

"Well, where are we headed?" Alfie asked, intertwining your fingers together, other hand gripping his cane. "Or are we just walking to exhaust ourselves further?"

"Don't be crabby," you chided, squeezing his hand. "Should we go to the pictures?"

Turns out, the theatre was closed to everyone who didn't hold the name Solomons, which you thought was particularly convenient. Nonetheless, you and Alfie both settled in the velvety seats in the back row, the lights out as the Valentino film began playing on screen.

"This is nice," you commented, sitting with your legs tossed over Alfie's knee, your head on his shoulder. "It's been so long since it's been just the two of us."

"It's also been so long since we've slept," Alfie yawned, settling down deeper into the comfortable chairs. "Perfect chance to get some shut-eye."

You pouted, lifting your head to look at him as he closed his eyes, preparing himself to sleep. Feeling your eyes on him, Alfie peeked open an eye, letting out a heavy sigh.

"What, you want me to watch the film with you, is that it?" He asked, and you shook your head. Alfie looked at you puzzlingly. "Well, then what?"

You retracted your legs, bracing your hands on Alfie's shoulders as you hoisted yourself on top of him, spreading yourself out across his lap, knees on either side of his legs. His hands immediately went to your waist, holding you steady as you straddled him.

"What do we have here, eh?" Alfie cooed, your hands holding his neck, thumbs pressed to his cheeks. "A little scandalous, love."

"Good," you whispered, pressing yourself closer, lips brushing against Alfie's before pulling away teasingly. "That was the goal, Alf."

Alfie hummed low in his throat, nose bumping against yours. "Shut up and kiss me, then."

You didn't hesitate to lurch forward and close the distance between the two of you, lips pressing together, your fingers sliding into his hair and gripping tight. You hummed lowly as Alfie gripped you tight, fingers digging into the soft flesh of your bum.

Your hips shifted atop of his, strong hands guiding you to grind slowly against him, your hands tugging his head back as you deepened the kiss.

"Alfie," you breathed, swollen lips parting from his, whining softly as he bit at your neck, kissing and sucking on the most sensitive parts of your body. "Please, Alfie. I need you."

Alfie lifted his head, gifting you with a crooked here. "Right now?"


"Right here?"

"Yes, you prick."

Alfie brought you down for another kiss, giggling against your lips despite himself, smiling giddily as you kissed him with urgency.

"Right. Lift your skirts up, then, you pretty little thing."

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