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Kacey Pov:

Me and Gabby was in the car laughing, eating Sonic and listening to music. I been venting to her and she's been giving me great advice. It been 2 hours since I left the pool and I still haven't heard from Damoni. I still care cause that's my nigga, I believe we can work it out still so I decided to text him.

Mesha Pov:

I was still in the car with Damoni I was having so much fun, I rode with hood niggas before but Damoni make everything feel special. I started starring at him.. "What you looking at punk" he said. I just laughed " shit nigga you starting to look tired I'm trynna make sure you don't crash my ass. " I laughed. His phone was sitting in his lap I seen a text pop it said "My Shawty" i knew it was Kacey.

My Shawty🏚💍: come get me so we can talk.

I rolled my eyes. I can't really be mad Cause that's my bestfriend nigga but I just feel like Damoni is more meant for me than he is for her. We pulled up to my house I just looked at him with a mug. " What you got a attitude for" he said while looking at me. "Ion got a attitude come help me bring these bags in my house".

Damoni Pov.

I could tell Mesha was feeling a nigga, shid im feeling her to but I'm trying not to go to far I know that shit ain't right.. I'm in love with her bestfriend.. I do wanna fuck though but I know she gone end up catching more feelings. I wanna talk to Kacey I ain't text her back because I knew Mesha felt some type of way when she saw the text I was gonna go see her after I dropped mesha off but...

Mesha pov.

We walked into my house carrying my bags. My drunk mother was laid up on the couch with some nigga. I just walked passed her. "Where the fuck do you think you going" she yelled. " to my room mother, duh". I said rolling my eyes. I don't want you here today can't you see I got company get the fuck out and take your lil boyfriend with you" she said. I rolled my eyes and stormed upstairs to my room to get some stuff. Damoni followed behind me. I sat on my bed and just started to cry. He came and sat next to me "Aye man don't cry you gone be straight"he said while rubbing my back. "No I'm not Damoni you don't understand she always does this to me for a nigga!!!!she just wants me gone so she can fuck niggas in MY BED!!!! Where the fuck I'm even pose to go I Don't got nobody!!!! She said while laying on my chest crying. "aye man look at me" she looked up. "I understand you feel like everybody need somebody but shid i ain't got nobody either and I'm doing good on my own, life is what you make it so stop crying about it and make it better, you a smart girl and you deserve so much better shid you'll always have me, you can stay with me tonight. He said looking me in my eyes. He wipe my tears and put his arm around me then somehow we leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was so long, passionate, and perfect. I then knew he was the person I wanted to be with.


Kacey Pov.

It's 12:39 a.m I'm just laying in bed thinking about Damoni. I went to a party with Gabby but we left early because they started shooting. Me and Gabby came home high asf so she decided to just spend the night with me. Gabby was already sleep, I couldn't sleep, usually I'd be on the phone with Damoni right now..
I was just scrolling through my camera roll and realized Gabby took a cute pic off me when we stopped at the gas station after the party. I decided to post it on Instagram.

 I decided to post it on Instagram

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