Chapter 16 (Broken Walls)

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                                                              Sam pov

I'm walking next to Soryu and his men this is starting to get old fast i thought as i walked i let out a long sigh and Soryu asked "you alright" i nodded "come on lets get you looked at" he said i nodded we enter the hotel and we get on the elevator i went into the kitchen and found a bag of peas and held it against my cheek as i enter and wait for luke i looked at my knuckles which were bloodied from the fight i look up everyone was looking at me "go ahead i know your dying to say it" i said Eisuke said "what were you thinking leaving by yourself"he said "there was somewhere i had to be" i said blankly" you realize he is after you right" he said glaring at me i glared at him "did you really just ask me that" i glared at him very irritated "yes i know he is after me because for some odd reason he likes to watch me suffer!" i said as i raised my voice i could feel the tension in the room as me and Eisuke glared at each other "i don't need you to remind me of that" i said glaring at him "I'm thirteen" i said "I'm not a child anymore I'm sick and tired of constantly looking over my shoulder!" i said glaring "I'm tired of people telling me what to do" i said "I've dealt with that scum bag ever since my mother died a suspicious death!" glaring at all of them "so don't you tell me if i realize that he is after me!" i said "i mean what am i supposed to do hmm just sit here and act like a defenseless child that can't defend herself!" "so don't tell me if i realize" at this point i was on the verge of having a break down "Sam i need you to calm down" Soryu said "no i won't calm down I'm   wondering if he is gonna come through that door!" i said pointing at it "Sam" Soryu said "no i said were done here" i said walking out and went to the gym that wasn't far i found a punching bag perfect i thought and just started wailing on it without any mercy i can't take this much longer i can't keep having nightmares him following me and people telling me what to do 

                                                       Eisuke pov 

as we all watch Sam storm out "okay I'm gonna be the one to ask" Ota said "what the hell was that about" Ota asked "she's hurting" Soryu said to me i nodded and "she's not gonna show it but i can see it" i said "so what now she is obviously upset" Baba said "I'll go check on her" i said walking out i follow the signal to the gym to see her punching the punching bag with out holding her punches at all until the bag flies off the hinges "Sam" i said she turned around "I'm fine" she said about to walk past me but i grab her the wrist she looked at me "i know why your so upset" i said she arched her brow "today is the day your mother passed" I said she looked at me "please don't go there" she said "i know your hurting" i said "stop" she said not looking at me "you can't keep it all to yourself" i said "you need to let someone in" i said "no i don't" she said i could see she was on the verge of breaking down i could see in the corner of my eye that Soryu was walking up i hugged her and that's when her walls broke she banged her fists on my chest "why" she said as she sobbed lightly "why do you even care" she said as she hit the floor on her knees and i went down with her i started to pet her hair as she sobs i think this is the first time I've seen her cry i thought "Sam look at me" i said she did i wiped away her tears "i promise you we will get him locked up for so long that he will never be able to come after you ever again" i said "but you need to listen to us" i said "i know your use to being by yourself but you have us now" i said to her all she did is nod i looked at her knuckles and cheek "lets get these cleaned up" i said helping her up she nodded i helped her up and we walked out 

                                           Sam pov

i can't believe i just broke down in front of him dam my emotions i sit on the counter as Soryu wrapped my knuckles "you know that was impressive how you handled those guys out there" he said "well i do know how to fight" i said wiping the tear away from my cheek i looked at everyone "well I'm gonna go to bed i said goodnight" i said walking up the stairs 

                                                  Third person pov

everyone looked at each other concerned as they watched Sam walk up the stairs 


Kissed by the baddest bidder the C.E.O the Doctor the mobster and the teenagerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora