"Um no you can." I reply, looking confusingly at Harry from the dark look he has on his face. He walks off but quickly comes back over with a life jacket in his hand. A satisfied look on his face, replacing his previous frown.

"Here." Is all he says before placing the jacket on me and securing all the straps. "Now be a good boy and make sure you hold on to Niall at all times, and if something doesn't feel right then shout my name okay." He says sternly. I peek up at him from underneath my eyelashes and bite my lip.

"Yes daddy." I say quietly, he sends me a lustful stare before placing a kiss on my forehead and moving away.

"Be good." He says seriously. He places a hand on the bottom of my back, gently nudging me to walk back towards Niall and Liam.

"All set?" Harry asks once we've reached them.

"Yeah, as you can see Niall can't wait to go." He lets out a chuckle as the blonde omega sends us a wave from where he's perched on top of the jet ski.

"C'mon Lou!" He yells out, I can't stop the small smile that makes its way onto my face at his grin.

I walk into the water, yelping as its unexpectedly colder than what I thought it would be, considering the sun is beaming down on us. I paddle over to Niall, trying not to let my nervousness show.

"You alright?" He asks cautiously once I have reached him.

"Yeah, um I've just never done this before." I mutter nervously.

"It's alright you'll be fine. You're with me." He grins cheekily, causing me to let out a small giggle. I try to hop on to the back but fail multiple times, causing Niall to laugh in hysterics.

"Aww Lou-boo you're so small." He cackles loudly, making me send him a glare.

"Piss off." I mutter as a I fail for the umpteenth time. I let out a yelp as two large hands wrap around my waist and lift me up placing me on the seat.

"There you go éros." Harry says once he has pulled away, a smug look on his face.

"Oh piss off." I repeat to Harry as he's trying not to laugh.

"Aw Lou you don't mean that." He chuckles as I pout. He turns to Niall. "You be safe with him on here alright?"

"Sir yes sir." The blonde omega replies sarcastically causing both of us to roll our eyes, he squeezes my thigh gently before moving back to Liam. "You ready?" Niall asks.

"I guess." I wrap my arms tightly around Niall's waist, hugging on for dear life as he turns the engine on.

The jet ski zooms forward, Niall releasing hollers as he presses harder on the accelerator.

"Isn't this fun?" He yells out over the noise. I don't reply, just hold on tighter to him as I feel myself become queasy.

I knew I shouldn't of come on here!

Suddenly the jet ski makes a funny noise and I hear Niall go uh oh, before we are both being thrown off, crashing into the water. The other omegas arms go flailing about, his elbow hitting my cheek as we are submerged under water. I begin to panic and struggle to swim up to the surface, gasping for air as soon as I manage.

I hear shouting and someone pulling me towards them. I hold on to them like a leech, feeling absolutely terrified.

"Shh shh Lou, you're alright I've got you." Harry says reassuringly, holding on to me just as tight. He tucks my head into the crook of his neck and I inhale his scent to try and calm myself down, as he swims to his own jet ski. "Louis love, you have to let go so I can set you down and get on there myself." He says calmly, as I refuse to let go.

"No daddy please! I don't like it!" I exclaim in panic, not thinking about what I am saying.

"Don't like what éros?" He asks, squeezing my hip gently as if to reassure me.

"Water da-Harry I don't like it." I panic.

"Hey shush Lou love, look at me." He places a finger underneath my chin and lifts it up gently. "Do you trust me?" He asks, I just nod my head dumbly. "Then know I won't let anything happen to you." He says softly, his gaze flicks to my cheek and frowns as he runs his thumb over my cheekbone, causing me to let out a small hiss.

That small distraction allows him to lift me up and place me on the seat before quickly getting on behind me. I turn myself around and latch back on to him like a koala bear, just wanting to get out of the damn ocean already.

He makes quick work of getting us both back to the shore and continues holding me close to his chest as he takes me into one of the empty huts with towels.

He carefully wraps one around me and places a kiss on my forehead before kneeling down in front of me, with a small first aid kit.

"Are you alright éros?" He asks in concern, I just nod my head numbly feeling stupid for acting the way I did. He probably thinks I'm a freak now. He hesitates for a moment. "Why didn't you tell me you were scared of the water?" He asks gently, a frown making its way onto his face.

"It's a stupid phobia." I mumble out, blushing at how humiliated I feel right now.

"Éros it's nothing to be ashamed of." He says softly. "I would of made sure you were with me instead." He comments as he opens up the kit and gets out some TCP and cotton wool. "This may sting." He says before gently dabbing the cotton wool on my cheek, making me let out a hiss. He takes ahold of my hand with his spare one, and squeezes gently.

"Is Niall alright?" I ask quietly as he finishes up.

"Yeah he's fine. Gave me and Li a heart attack though when you both fell off." He says humourlessly. I nudge him gently with my foot to try and get him out of this mood.

"H I'm fine, I panicked yeah but I'm fine. It's not Niall's fault." I say softly, not understanding why he's being so protective anyway. "What did he do anyway?"

He sighs heavily. "I know you're fine, it just scared me is all." He runs a hand through his hair. "He pressed the wrong pedal and stalled the jet ski."

"Well then he's an idiot." I say softly to try and lighten the mood. It works as Harry sends me a small grin.

"He is. I must say you look absolutely delicious in this." He picks up the strap of my bikini bottoms and lets it snap back against my thigh. I have to bite my lip to stop a whimper coming out.

"Thank you daddy."

"You have no idea what you do to me éros." He says gruffly, adjusting himself in his shorts. My thighs clench at his noticeable bulge. "C'mon éros, lets get you back to the cabin." He says softly as he makes quick work of undoing both life vests and leaving them in the small hut. He collects our stuff before guiding me back to the cabin.

His hand not leaving the small of my back the whole time.


Fun fact, the little part of him having a phobia of the sea was kind of inspired by me 😂. I'm not massively scared, but a couple years back when I was in the sea in West Wales (beautiful place), the current was really strong and the waves winded me so I was struggling to breathe properly, and I tried to swim back to the shallower part but the tide kept pulling me out and I ended up having a panic attack cause I couldn't breathe. I look back at it now and feel really stupid but it was scary at the time 🙈.

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