━ 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫

Start from the beginning

posting! Look, I'm not that strict about how often you update, but please update every fortnight or month, as it would me very frustrated to see my plots unused. You also must post the story (more than the cast, summary, soundtrack, etc.) within a week of getting it, please! If you don't want the plot, just DM me, I'll take the plot back with ease. If you can't for some reason, just DM me. I'm pretty easy about that stuff.

changing! Everything with a "*" can be changed. Don't be afraid to ask if you could change anything on DMs. But of course, if you do change anything, I mean, anything about the plot, I will mute you and blacklist you, so be careful!

taking! Do not take the plot without asking. I will DM you politely first, but if you don't take it down, you will face the wrath of being blacklisted, muted and reported for copyright, immediately!

payment! Please complete the payment! This will be in the section labelled "Payment". If you do not complete the payment, I will mute, report and blacklist you. No ifs and buts or exceptions!

credit! You must credit me. Istg, If you don't credit me, you will face the wrath of a 13 year old girl. Credit would be in the intro, and it would be nice if you credited me in every chapter (you don't have too!)

password! To make sure you actually read the rules, you will have to give me a password at the end, which will be: your favourite movie, tv show and song. If you only give me just one or two, I'll just say "look at the rules again," nicely and you can decide whether or not to give me the rest of the password!

VIPS... payment is not needed, as well as the fact you can DM me for the plot. VIPs will get first grabs and will be able to have



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payment! The payment is a votes on one of my my books and a permanent follow!! If you do not complete this, I will mute, report and blacklist you on the spot. Don't try me (sorry about the really superficial and materialistic payment, I just have no ego and that's the truth tea, sis 😔. ).



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cosmicslut radiofreddie -billyjoel svltzmans cryingstvrs averysice ASTERlAS BROKENPlECES graysxndolan

( also the admins of @exposingelly got deleted so consider this a shout-out and I'm sorry for the loss of your account memorial! Gaaah! Lmk if I missed out on anyone, gaaah! I can't remember for shit! )


Fortunately, no-one yet! 😊 Hopefully, it stays that way!

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