Ch. 21 *Nothing for Me, Something for Her*

Start from the beginning

My eyes quickly widened as I recognized Ruby's small voice. I totally forgot about the whole note thing that she left me about her wanting to meet me. I feel so awful for not showing up, but I had other things on my mind at the time.

I didn't know what to say because I didn't want to get up from my bed and honestly I didn't want to see her. I don't want to see anybody right now. Instead of answering I just stayed silent in hopes she would come in on her own or just leave. My prayers were answered as I heard the door slowly creak open from Ruby's push.

"Ellie, you there?"

I stayed quiet again and burried my body deeper into the bed. Ruby heard the shuffling of my body because she quickly shut the door and ran over to my side without question.

"I heard what happened." She whispers before placing a hand on my back and rubbing soothing circles. Her touch is comforting, but I still don't feel any better. "I came to see if you were alright."

I take a deep breath before turning my body to face her before pulling the covers off my head to meet her sight. I wipe my wet eyes and sniffle my nose before leaning into hug her without even realizing. Her embrace on me was nice and I felt better for only a second before she pulled away.

"What did Master say he was going to do? Have they found Liam yet?" She asks with concern and I only shrug my shoulders before shrinking back into the bed.

"I don't know. I don't want to hear anything from him." I mumble as my fingers fiddle with my dirty clothes that I haven't changed in a while. I've been wearing this same poor outfit choice for four days now after Harry forced me to change into something clean. He began to do it for me since I resisted, but I didn't want his hands on me, so I quickly changed myself whilst in bed- under the covers.

"I got your letter. Sorry I never came to your room. What was it about?" I question after a few moments of silence. I glance over to Ruby after she didn't answer me and I grow worried when I see how nervous she looks while playing with her baggy shirt. I call out her name again and her head shoots up and she shows a forced smile before standing up from the bed and shaking her head.

"Just forget about it." She mumbles and turns on her heel to make her way to my door. I jump up from my slouching postion curious as to why she doesn't want to tell me now.

"Wait, Ruby! Please, tell me. You really sounded like you needed help."

"You already have so much going on. I understand it's fine." She shakes her head again and continues to walk to the door. Her hand reaches the doorknob and my feet find there way to the floor, that I haven't stepped on in a while, before running weakly to stop her from leaving. She's right about my own problems, but there is nothing I can do about Esmay's death now except mope around and plus, I'd feel awful if I didn't help her with whatever problem she's having.

"Tell me, it's okay." I pull on her arm to encourage her and she lets out a nercous laugh before running a hand through her thick hair. I watch as her hand slowly makes her way down, placing on her stomach. The baggy shirt she is wearing molds to her skin from her pressing on the fabric and I notice that her stomach seems a little bit bigger than it was last time I saw her.

I gasped once I realized that she's pregnant and my hand covered my mouth in shock, "You're pregnant." I breathe and she slowly nods her head. I watch as she continues to look pained and scared while I grow more confused. I don't see why there is a problem. Humans here are suppose to get pregnant eventually to repopulate for the vampires.

"Wait, what's the problem though? It's good that your pregnant. Aren't we all suppose to eventually?" I ask her and yet another nervous laugh falls from her lips as she walks back over to my bed. She places her bottom on the soft matress and I follow her, so that I'm standing infront of her, waiting for an answer.

"We are suppose to have babies with a human."

"What do you mean?" I fold my arms over my chest and scrunch up my eyebrows.

I don't understand by what she means by a human. Obviously you have to have another human to help you make a baby, so what does she mean? Unless...

"Niall?" I whisper with disbelief and she looks down at her hands.

She slowly nods her head in approval and my face widens in shock. Of course, Niall. That's why he has been acting so strange and that's why he asked about Ruby and acted like he didn't know what I was talking about when I asked him why he took her away when we both were in the laundry room.

"How is that even possible?" I ask Ruby even though she obviously doesn't know. As expected, she shrugs her shoulders and lets out a breath.

"So you're pregnant. I mean that's not too bad, it will just be a vampire right? It's not a big problem I guess. I thought that you were gunna be in big trouble or something- not that this isn't a problem, but it's just you're pregnant. Like your suppose to do, except it's one of the Vampos babies. Wow, that's weird." I ramble on, not knowing when to shut up, so Ruby stands up from the bed and stops me by putting her hand on my arm.

"Ellie, it is a problem, that's the problem."


"Because.... Yes, we are aloud to have sex with vampires, obviously when they want to because they are disgusting and demanding, but it's forbidden to get pregnant by one or to be in love with a vampire." She explains and I sit down on the bed while she turns to stand in front of me.

"You're in love with Niall?" I question and she runs a hand through her hair, avoiding eye contact with me. After a few moments of silence she finally looks back to me.

"We kinda have mutual feelings, but Niall hasn't told anyone and niether have I. Master forbids it. That's not the problem though. It is a problem, but not the problem."

"The baby?" I assure and she nods her head in answer. "Aren't they just going to make you get an abortion?"

"No, Master kills any woman to get pregnant with a vampires baby. He says it's their fault and they shouldn't be irresponsible." She informs me and I can see how nervous she is. My face becomes angry as I ball my fist and punch on the bed.

"No! He's not going to kill you! I already lost my sister and if I loose a friend..." I shout and trail off my sentence before finishing. I'm too angry to speak. Harry can't kill Ruby- she is my friend and if I still have to live here, I need somebody. Sure Luke's a great friend, but Natalie is a bitch.

"I know, I don't want to die either." I can see the worry in her eyes as they begin to water. She places her hand on her stomach again and sits next to me on the bed. I look over to her with an apologetic smile before bringing her into a hug.

"What do we have to do? I'll do anything." I promise after releasing my embrace on her. She looks down at her lap and looks up to me before opening her mouth to speak.

"Niall and I have a plan- it involves you, but you're not going to like it."

*0* I wonder what the plan is!!! ;) ;) ;)

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Quick Note: My dearest friend Jen has an amazing book! I think everyone should go check it out! You'll madly fall in love with it.. and Harry *-* Her names >> @crazenation Goooo Checkkk it outt!

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