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11. If you don't know someone, don't hate show in them

12. Chicks come before dicks!

13. Ex's are strictly forbidden when it comes to going out with. The only exception you can go out with a friends ex is: After the amount of the time the couple were together ( e.g if they went out for 6 months, you WAIT 6 months.) you must request the jiblet's permission to go out with the said male.

14. Every girl can have guy friends whom she will never date (e.g the sensitive guy, the gay guy, the funny guy etc.) Don't judge them.

15. If you wan't to date a friends brother, it is required that you get the friends permission first.

16. No girl is allowed to hang out with her friends boyfriend, ESPECIALLY behind your friends back.

17. No girl shall wear the same outfit or perfume as a friend when in the same place.

18. You are never to insult a friends boyfriend. Exception: If a guy cheated or dumped your friend is is exceptional for you to claim he isn't good enough, and that she deserves better as well as reminding her that he was an freak and a twat anyway.

19. Every girl must wait at least a day and a half before calling/texting a guy's number that she has received.

20. If a guy your friend is into asks for your number, you are to deny it and walk away, and/or slip him your friends number while saying, "I think she is more your type, you should call her".

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