Começar do início

"I just really enjoy seeing you so happy. It's been a while..." he slightly smiled to himself

You wrapped your arm around his torso, causing him to wrap his around your shoulder to tuck you close against him. You felt him lean down to place a kiss on the top of your head, you smiled at this. You didn't even notice the stares you two were getting, neither of you did. It was almost like this very crowded place was deserted, and you two were the only ones there. With you both still intertwined you began to walk around more, slowly you broke apart and walked hand in hand. A couple of hours were filled with wonder and joy as you stared at all the different aquatic creatures. Some bright, some large, some colorful; they were all beautiful but a couple were creepy in their own way. You held onto Connor's hand as you both were leaving,
"That was fun." You smiled

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, but, that wasn't all." he looked to you

"What? Seriously?" you were taken aback

He calmly nodded,
"I have somewhere else I'd like to take you." he helped you into the car and you both headed to your next destination. He did the same as the last time, telling you to close your eyes before you got there. He again lead you into the building because of your blindness, he covered your ears and you heard the muffled voices of him and someone else. He removed his hands and lead you to somewhere where he sat you down, you wanted to peek so badly but Connor reminded you that you'd only spoil the surprise. You felt his presence kneel down in front of you,
"Connor?" you were even more confused now

"Just wait a minute."

You felt him slip off your shoes and you quietly gasped out of surprise,
"What are you doing?" you questioned him again

"You'll have to guess." he calmly spoke but you could hear the hint of a smile in his voice

"Okay, okay..are we bowling?" you asked as you attempted to guess what was about to happen

"I don't know, are we?" he placed a shoe on your foot and began to lace it up before tying it

"Uh, skating ring?" you guessed again. The android stayed silence as he put on the other shoe, you felt him stand and heard him fumble around a bit; probably putting on the same shoes he was putting on you before. His presence towered over you again and pulled you up onto your feet, you wobbled around, these shoes were quite odd to balance on so you ended up falling into his arms. He held you upright by your arms and quietly chuckled,
"You can open them now."

You quickly looked down at what was on your feet and the blade attached to the bottom of the shoes made sense,
"Wh-what? Ice skating?" you smiled up at him

"Have you ever been?"

"No, I have not." You laughed as you wobbly tried to balance, making sure you held onto Connor as much as he held onto you. He helped you onto the ice rink and you almost fell backward but the android made sure to keep his grip on you, you were certainly glad he wasn't human because you surely would've fell on your back if he wasn't so naturally strong. He didn't seem to have to give it a thought as he slowly skated backwards to help you go foward, you wondered how he could do it so easily. He was programmed to be perfect but how was a android detective able to ice skate so well?
You slipped and struggled to keep your balance, but you felt safe with Connor so everytime you'd almost bust your hip you laughed instead of being too afraid to continue. It was a bit embarassing but Connor didn't seem to mind at all, you almost sort of had the hang of it,
"Let me try on my own." you suggested

"Are you sure?" he cautiously asked

You nodded and the android hesitated before he let go of you slowly and carefully, to not disturb your already wobbly balance. He moved slightly back from you and you slid yourself toward him, your torso leaning back and forth in order to maintain a upright stature. You slid yourself into his arms and laughed.
"See? I'm a pro now!" You joked

RK800//Connor x Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora