Chapter 3

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Julian's POV.

What is she talking about for God sake ? There was no body ? My God !

Minnie stared at me .

Tatiana looks as confused as i am.

Juan Marcos face is now void of any sleep ,his eyes looks like they will soon pop out of their sockets.

My mind was racing through different thoughts . What does this mean ? How could they keep all this from us ?

"How could you do this ? How could you hide this from us ? ," Clemencia asked angrily

"Oh please , you all would have noticed if not for the fact that you were all so occupied with forgetting about her and moving past your pains ," Mickey replied angrily

"What ! How could you say that we all loved her and there is nothing like moving past . We will never forget Tatiana ever." I replied back except i wasn't angry .My words just lacked any emotion .

"Oh so you think i and Mickey don't love her too. But we still talked with the cops and found out as much as we could before the case was pronounced a closed one . " Mickey replied back yelling at the top of her voice

Minnie who had just been staring and observing quietly decided to speak up.

"I think everyone is tired and exhausted. So here is what we are all going to do . We are going to get some sleep and hopefully if we don't get called in for an emergency surgery , we will talk ."

And that was what we were all going to do before someone made an entrance into our home.

"Hello babies which one of you missed me." Clemencia's look alike and twin sister called out.

Clemencia's POV.

Oh my God ! what is she doing here ? I stopped when i heard her voice . Not only me though. We all stopped and for a minute everywhere was quiet before we girls rushed to hug Camila.

After making all the noises in the world . The witch finally found her way out of the clumsy circle we put her in while trying to embrace her.

"Aww ,if it isn't my favourite twinnies and my baby twin sister . I missed you all so much . " She said smiling like nothing happened at all

"So what brings you here to Chicago ," Julian asked finally making Camila aware of the boys presence .

"J , how have you been ? Juan Marcos darling i know you missed your high school bestie but is a hug to minute to acknowledge my presence , " my twin asked in a jovial tone

"Anyways , i am here and am not living soon so you guys will be having your best pancakes every morning when you are not at work. Isn't that exciting ? " she said giggling like an hyperactive toddler.

"What do you mean you are not leaving soon ," Juan Marcos asked

"Well you heard me right sweetie . I got the new position for cardio and am planning on living my life out here in Chicago with you guys ." she said shrugging

"What of the military ?. You are no more going back there ? Is that what you are saying , " minnie asked surprised

We all know how much Camila loves being a military surgeon . So whatever brought her back to Chicago from Iraq was something worth finding out .

Something i have no doubt has a lot to do with Tatiana's death or should i also add missing body to it to.

Is she even dead ?

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