Chapter 23 An Enemy Formed

Start from the beginning

"Noni," Commander Vye says to me and I turn toward her, remaining at attention, "there will have to be a report written, but that can wait until tomorrow. Take the rest of the day to rest."

"What about my patrol duties?" I ask, wanting to get back into a routine so that it would occupy my mind, freeing me of the events from the past nine weeks.

"Let me worry about that."

"Yes, ma'am." I secure my duffel over my right shoulder and head for the front door. As I place my hand around the knob, it jerks from my grasp and opens wide, forcing me to come face to face with Molers. My breath catches in my throat, forming a hard lump that refuses to dislodge and allow me to breathe. I swallow, forcing the lump downward, as I keep my gaze fixed on Molers, wondering why he is here. I know that he has applied for a transfer out of the training center, asking to be assigned elsewhere in the city for a position similar to Commander Vye's; he does it every year. When I was still a recruit, we always knew when his request had been denied, as his already temperamental mood turned more foul and the least little thing set him off.

"Arbiter Noni. Commander Vye," he greets us, but I do not buy his façade of pleasantries, having witnessed it before. "Please, come in." He opens the door wider.

"Master Arbiter," says Commander Vye in a controlled tone, keeping her own curiosity at his sudden presence muted as she strolls through the door and I follow after her.

"Shall we go to your office?" asks Molers, but his request is more of a command than a suggestion.

I do my best to keep my face impassive, but some of my curiosity and hatred toward him must have shown through since he turns and gives me a warning glare. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I wooden my expression, and he once again focuses on Commander Vye. She inclines her head and leads the way to her office, and he trails after her while I reposition my duffel on my shoulder and head for the staircase.

"Arbiter Noni," says Molers, and I stop, unsure of why he insists on calling me by my formal title, while at the training facility, I was referred to as recruit, little shit, or maggot, "you will join us."

I will? Why? Whatever business he has with Commander Vye could not include me; at least, it never has in the past. Knowing that I would not be allowed to escape whatever he had planned for me, and not wanting to be on the receiving end of his wrath like I had been countless times as a recruit, I follow after him and Commander Vye, tightening my grip on my bag, making up the caboose to a train as it creeps through a darkened tunnel to its impending doom. We entered the office and Commander Vye takes her place behind her desk, refusing to sit, preferring to stand when dealing with Molers, who positions himself right in front of her, his expression unreadable, while I sink into a corner, wishing I am somewhere else.

"Please," says Commander Vye, motioning to a chair.

"I prefer to stand," Molers replies.

For a moment, I am thrust back to when I had stumbled upon them while they were in here, arguing. The door had been ajar and I had allowed my curiosity to get the better of me. He wanted something then, something that angered Commander Vye. What does he want now?

"As you wish," Commander Vye says, remaining on her feet so that she can look into Molers' eyes and face him as an equal.

The tension in the room strangles me and I hope that neither of them notice the beads of sweat dripping down the sides of my face.

"It has come to the council's attention that you had a little bit of trouble during your trip," says Molers.

"That is not surprising since I sent word to the Command Division about it eight weeks ago," replies Commander Vye.

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