Why I Don't Like Fanfic

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Nope, not clickbait. Well, mostly. Technically it would be more accurate to say 'Why I Don't Like Most Fanfic,' but meh. So this!

I write lots o' fanfic, as you may know if you've ever so much as glimpsed at my page. Along with this, I've read alot of fanfiction as well. Which is fun because honestly, seeing unique stories flir from one common base is amazing. It's like the fandom is a writing prompt and everyone takes it in amazing directions. Awesome right???

Well not always.

The reason I don't like most fanfiction is because with a lot of fanfictions, the creativity just isn't there. I can't tell you how many fics I've read that have just been retelling of the same core story of the fandoms, but with extra characters. Sadly, there is a large surplus of just that. And I won't say I'm innocent of that, as I have done it myself.

If a story can be told in a fanfiction, like it was born uniquely, then I think it is a truly good writing. And those are the kinds where you can change the names and settings and easily have a hit!

What I always like though, is writing style, as it's almost never copied twice. But that aside, I believe it rough to find a good fanfiction these days, and I strive to try to make unique pieces, for you, the readers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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