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I built up my courage and said the words I could hold in no longer.

Will I be able to stay as someone you are proud to call your own.

Chapter 6

"Are you going?" Lee called out.

"Yes..." Sam said. "Just for a bit. School." She said hurriedly, looking for only a second at her cousin as he nodded at her.

But as the door closed, Lee's smile faded and it was replaced by a deep frown.

He is very worried about Sam. Very worried indeed.

She hadn't been herself. 

For the last month, he knew that was because she was mourning and it was her means of coping. 

And then he came.

He was glad when Top started visiting her and slowly the Sam he knew was coming back. 

But it seems she had depeneded too much on Top.

"Sam, was that Top?" Audrey asked. Sam was just on the phone.

"Audrey! I'm sorry I didn't notice you came in." Sam said, smiling brightly. "Yes, it was Top." She said in answer to Maggie's question.

Audrey grew silent.

"Sam... Are you in love with Top?" She asked without preamble.

Sam looked at her, surprised.

"Pardon?" Sam said, blinking.

Audrey sighed in exasperation. "I'm saying I think you're in love with Top."

"It's not like that." Sam said.

Audrey sighed again. 

"Okay, look. I'm just saying this one time so listen. I... I'm just worried about you. About both of you. I think it's great if, you know, you're really in love with him. I think my brother wouldn't want you to be miserable your whole life either. So even if it is a little early, if it's real, that's a good thing. But what if it's not? What if you're just confused and you just wanna depend on him? I know you, Sam. You wouldn't do that, but right now..." She trailed off. "I just wanna say that I don't want you to get hurt in the future."

"I told you, it's not like that." Sam said firmly.

"You're not in love with him." Audrey said, as if confirming.

Sam sighed. "I'm not."

"Well, what about him? And okay, maybe that's the case now but what if---" Audrey started but Sam cut her off.

"I won't let it be that way. I can't do that to him." Sam said.

Audrey went silent.

And then after a while, she said in a soft voice. "It's not your fault, you know. It was a car accident."

Sam smiled at her. "I know it's not, Audrey."

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