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You can warn me that there is no such thing as forever

今以上を欲しがる僕は 世間しらずなガキですか?
Am I naïve for wanting more than I have now?

Chapter 5

Maggie looked up as a knocked was heard.

"Come in..." She said.

The door opened and in came Ria, with Top in tow.

"Top." She greeted as she stood up.

Top gave her a small nod.

"I'm sorry for coming without preamble, but I was hoping I could talk to Sam?" Top said.

Maggie smiled. She knew, of course, that that's the reason Top would come to their school.

"Of course..." She said, "But unfortunately, Top, Sam didn't come today."

"Oh..." Top said, clearly disappointed.

"But..." Maggie found herself saying. She didn't know why but it seems it was very important for Top to see Sam right now.

Top looked up. "Top, maybe you didn't know, but Sam is staying with her cousin. Their house is right next to this school."

"Oh..." Top repeated, but now a grin spreads across his face. Maggie smiled as well.

"I'll ask Ria to accompany you."

"Thank you."


Ria pushed the doorbell and both she and Top silently waited.

About a minute or so, a maid had opened the door and had invited them in.

The little girl politely refused though, saying she was only accompanying Top.

As Ria walked back to the school, Top was lead inside the big manor.

He was asked to wait in the living room to which he politely nodded.

A few minutes later, he looked up the stairwell to find Sam descending the stairs.

She smiled as their eyes met. And Top stood up as she approach.

"I thought you were busy today..." Sam said, smiling.

"Uhm, my... business is finished... so I just thought of seeing you." Top said, returning the smile.

Sam gestured for the two of them to sit down.

They do so as the same maid who let Top in, serve them tea.

"Thank you." Sam told the maid and then she turned to Top.


"Can I help you?" Ria asked.

There was a man walking back and fort in front of the school.

CODE (JaDine AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora