Chapter 1

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**Just as a brief disclaimer, this story is merely a work of fanfiction involving a beloved series of mine. I do not claim any ownership over any of the characters except my OC. I hope someone may enjoy! Thanks for reading! :)  **

((Bloomington, Indiana))

(Gwyn's POV)

It was a typical Friday afternoon in Bloomington, Indiana. Well, for most people, it would be anyways. Gwyn knew she should be in school right now, just like most other kids her age were. Yet, here the thirteen year old girl was, wandering alone on the sidewalks of this old town. So, what was she doing out here one night ask? The sad truth was Gwyneth Marie Andrews was asking herself the same exact question. It was, now, nearing wintertime. Anyone who lived here in the state of Indiana knew just how chilly the wintry days could get. It was almost ironic how her heart felt much the same these days.

Gwyn felt cold and numb from the inside out. She felt as though her troubled, young heart would soon shatter into a million pieces, at any given moment. The reality of her life was disturbing. She was, now, a thirteen year old runaway on the streets. Well, her family couldn't care less what happened to her. Gwyneth's birth mother had sadly passed away nearly two and a half years ago. After that tragedy, Gwyn's father had completely changed, and certainly not for the better. Even though Daddy had already remarried and even had a new baby on the way, he was a bitter and cold man. He had turned to drinking. At first, it would maybe be one or two beers with a friend at the bar. However, that quickly escalated until he was so entangled in the web of his addiction that it was literally consuming his life. He was no longer a daddy to her. He was a complete stranger to her now. When he would get drunk, he would often take his frustrations out upon his only daughter. He didn't love her anymore. That was clear. For some reason, he blamed her for Mama's death. Gwyn didn't understand why. It wasn't her fault that mama got cancer, was it? Had she done something thing terrible enough to deserve that? Was Gwyn being punished for some awful thing she had done or something? Gwyneth was as confused as ever. Why? Was all she could ask herself. Was there no one left for her to turn to? Gwyn felt utterly alone in this world now. And, in the midst of this tragic circumstance, the pain cut her even deeper. Now. Now, the painful truth was too much to bear. But, she wanted to hope. She wanted to believe that she still had a reason for living. A reason to go on. A reason to fight. Somehow, despite all of this, she still had a tiny spark of hope in her spirit. Perhaps, from something or Someone much bigger than she. She even had the craziest idea that maybe it was even God Himself. However, doubt quickly rose up inside her the moment after she thought it. No. God couldn't possibly care for somebody like her. Why would He? He had much more important things to worry about, right? Her heart hurt so badly. Gwyneth felt so sad, and confused.. And..and lost. But, would she ever be found?


Gwyneth exhaled lowly, as she wiped away a few stray tears from her eyes with her tattered sleeve.  Walking along the sidewalk, she shivered when she felt a particularly cold gust of wind whipping across her face. Her clothes she had on, were dirty and worn. It was the only clothes she had. She didn't have much else with her. Didn't get a chance to get hardly any of her things, before she decided to up and leave. All she had was the clothes on her back and her precious journal clutched in her arms. Gwyneth's heart clenched at the aching thought that nobody cared. Not even her own blood. She willed herself not to shed anymore tears today. But, of course, she couldn't hold it in. Everything. It was all too much for a young girl to stand. She was still just a kid cof crying out loud. Gwyneth tried to ignore the feeling of hunger pains. She didn't think she'd be able to hold anything down anyway, as she felt sick inside. 

As she continued on her little walk, she kept her eyes down. She didn't pay any attention to the curious looks she was getting from those passing her by. Not like they cared anyway. She felt invisible to the rest of the world. Gwyn constantly felt like she was screaming from within. But, no one else would likely hear those silent, desperate cries for help. Would they? Gwyneth often imagined herself as a wilting rose. Once, she was blooming and bursting with vibrant beauty and radiance. But, now, she eae helpless as she watched every last petal of her heart slowly falling to the ground. Gwyn, then, laughed softly to herself. It wasn't a laugh of humor..But, rather of sadness.

Gwyn was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the faint sounds of laughter nearby. She lifted her head and she couldn't help but smile when she saw an adorable little girl with blonde hair,giggling with her mom and dad. The young family looked so happy together. Gwyneth felt her heart warm a little at the sweet sight. Yet, at the same time, her own angst deepened. Why couldn't she have that for herself? Gwyn remembered a time now seemingly long gone, when she was that little girl. Bubbly, cheerful, and not a single care in the world. Remembering those days of chocolate ice cream, bubble gum, and jumping rope. For just a moment, Gwyn found herself smiling at the memories. However, those happier images vanished almost as quickly as they came, as she was knocked back into reality by another chilling gust of wind blowing on her. She shivered again, hugging herself to try to keep herself warm. Gwyn only glanced up again, as she passed by the Bloomington Fire Department. She looked up in the direction of the building with a thoughtfulness. She had a great respect for those men in there for the way they sacrificed and put their very lives on the line in order to keep their fellow citizens safe. Gwyn paused for just a minute. At the same time, another pang of sorrow made its way over her heart. Her thoughts shifted to the many of firefighters who had lost their lives in the line of duty. Like her grandfather. She missed him so much. When her mama was still alive and very sick, Gwyn spent many of weeks with her grandparents. She had grown even closer to them during that painful time. Her mama had passed away and then Gwyn lost her grandpa six months later in a fire incident. Gwyneth had never experienced such great loss and heartache as she had then. Her life seemed enveloped by pain. 

When she looked up, she saw a tall man stepping out of the building. Judging by his uniform, he was the head of firefighters. She stayed there, watching him curiously for a few seconds. She was absolutely fascinated by these men. Bold and brave. Somehow, he seemed to sense eyes on him, for he turned and looked straight in her direction. When she realized that he had caught her staring, she turned away in embarrassment and immediately continued on her way, walking a bit faster than before. That poor guy! He must have thought she was a weirdo or something. Gwyneth drew out a heavy sigh, blowing wisps of blonde hair from her face, and kept walking. Not even knowing exactly where she was going.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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