Chapter 8: I can take my weapon anytime I want!

Start from the beginning

Wow. Mr Black adopted him? I thought I had a troubled past... I did though but I wasn't the only one. "So you're basically his so-"I started but Drew cut me off.

"Great. This car has everything from machine guns till a whole computer build in it, but it can't drive longer than one hour? Stupid car. "

This car could run on electricity but when it was necessary it would switch to gas. I don't know how, but we had run out of gas. I didn't want to put all my trust in the electricity so, we had gone to a petrol station.

"In about 2 kilometres there is one" I said when I read the sign.

That's the reason why we were standing in a petrol station. I think we looked intimidating. Drew wore black pants a leather black jacket and, well he's tall. The jacket wasn't even a normal jacket as it has hiding places for weapons. I wore a leather jacket to for my weapons but usually I wore a belt with weapons. Obviously, I left it in the car. I think we looked like bikers or something. I almost laughed at that thought.

We were in a rush and that's why I did something stupid. When we left the car, I had my gun in my hand, call it automatism. As we reached the little shop, I had to put it away. Not having much choice: I put in my jeans. Not really in it but I think you know what I mean. But now that stupid gun is hurting my hip. It gave this very annoying pressure on my hip and I didn't like that.

"Will you stop acting like your nervous or something?" Drew looked annoyed at my fidgeting.

"Oh, sorry mister perfect but that stupid gun is crushing my hip so shut it." I tried to whisper angrily. But you can't whisper with emotion I guess so instead I just whispered quite loudly.

"Get yourself together and don't be such a girl!" He said it again!

We were waiting in line to pay. Standing behind us was a woman with, I assume to be, her toddler daughter. In front of us was a man and next to him a man and woman. They were currently paying in such a slow pace that I felt like it had been years.

I just wanted to pay and go. That stupid gun! I can't take it out. People will think stuff, like a robbery. Oh, fuck it.

"I'm going to take that damn gun out. "I whispered so only Drew could hear me.

"Are you crazy?! This is a shop. They will think you want to rob the place!"

I rolled my eyes and slowly took my gun quicker than Drew could stop me. Nobody was paying attention. Good. I slowly raised it a bit, Drew narrowed his eyes at me. Now I could just put it in my jacket and the problem was solved. If there wasn't an annoying little girl. Who saw it.

"Hey mom, what's that?" And before I could put it away the mother of that little devil saw it and screamed. I was angry. No, I was furious. Can't I take my fucking gun out without someone making such a fuss? Well, too late now. I smirked and pulled the gun out. I pointed it at the ground. Nobody had to be afraid. I didn't point it at a person. Why was everybody panicking?

"Don't shoot don't shoot!" The miserable woman begged. I narrowed my eyes at her, I hated begging.

"Why should I shoot you? Not worth it " I said with a sharp tone. 

"Put it away!" Drew said not seeming too bothered by the sight of these terrified people, just more annoyed that he had to deal with it.

The rest of the people were all panicking and the man behind the desk asked if this was a robbery.

"No. We're from the police" Drew said with a serious expression plastered on his face.

"Why would I believe that?" The man behind the desk said suspiciously.

As response Drew showed him the fake badge. The man's face changed from fear to anger.

"Why the hell would you scare people like that?"

"We're the fucking police. I can take my weapon any time I want. " I said with a smile. I enjoyed this. Before anyone could say another thing, I turned around and left the shop, walking straight to the car.

Minutes later Drew got in the car too. I expected a furious Drew. Or at least an angry Drew. But he was laughing. His laugh was so contagious I had to laugh too.

"What are we laughing about?" I asked when my stomach began to hurt.

"That was hilarious! You saying: we're the fucking police, makes this mission way more entertaining. It reminds me off Pa-" He seemed a bit troubled, but then his smile returned again.

"Thanks, I know I am the comedy queen itself. He bought the police story, right? Dumbass"

"I'm really believable." He smirked.

"That's enough Drew your ego is growing."


We finally arrived the town the target was living in. It was a small town, like a few thousand habitants small. Everybody knew each other, I guess. I hoped her house wasn't surrounded by other houses. That would make the job easy. I actually hoped I could just shoot her. Definitely not kill her with my bare hands. Just kill her get rid of her and that's it.

I told this to Drew.

"Or you're too afraid to kill her ... coward."

"You annoying- ... Agh! Never mind. Just shut up and stop being a jerk!" I slapped his arm. But not in a playful, more like a full force.

"Hey!" He rubbed his arm. "I'm not being a jerk. I'm just telling the truth."

"Sure. And according to you the truth girls can't fight or be an assassin. Oh, and I'm too afraid to kill someone."

"Okay okay. If you think that's the truth, then it's your problem" Drew said with a smirk. That prick! He just let me say that! 

Drew looked at the road again. He didn't see me, so I took the chance to study him. His beautiful blue eyes, brown hair, strong jawline, very muscular, he was just...perfect. Wait what!? I called him perfect. Get yourself together Chloe! He offended you and was being a total jerk to you! Besides, he is your teammate, the one you're supposed to be willing to die for. Don't waste your time thinking about how great he looks.

Ugh. Why are handsome (he's more than handsome) guys always jerks? Sweet and handsome guys are scarce. Handsome guys who are jerks? You can pick one.

When Drew turned his head to me, I quickly looked at something else. Didn't want to be caught staring at him. He would tease me, and I didn't want that.

"We're close to her house."

We were. I could see the house. It was an oddly ordinary house. With not a lot of houses surrounding the place, it wasn't remote, but it was good enough. Thank god.

"Give me those files. It's time to look at the lucky woman..."

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