Chapter 2

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A couple days had passed and the king hadn't yet returned.

Within the boring walls of the castle, in the southern kingdom, Enzo and Odys tried to kill their boredom by playing tricks on the servants, mostly scaring them half to death just to see the hilarious expressions on their faces.

Late one night Enzo woke as he heard whispers outside his chamber's. He could barely hear who it was or what they were saying. He got up from his warm, soft bed ever so quietly and snuck up to the door but as his hoof put pressure on one of the wood panels it gave out a slight creak. The colt held his breath and froze, hoping that whoever was outside that door didn't hear it. The murmuring stopped and the flickering glow of their torch from under the door disappeared. He waited a moment before opening the old wooden door and peaking down the long, dark hallway. Quiet as possible, Enzo walked in the direction of where the dim glow of the torch was. As he neared the corner he hear one of the voices again. It was a deep but wispy voice of a male, most likely an elder stallion.
"No one has word of where he had gone or what he is up to, not even his closest guards have a clue."
'Are they talking about father?' Enzo wondered. There was a brief pause before the other voice spoke softly in a worried tone.
"I fear something bad has happened, we must do something, send out soldiers to search for him." ...Sigh "And what will we tell Odys and Enzo when they ask about him again? I cannot keep lying to them and saying hes out on business."
Enzo recognised the voice immediately, it was his mother, the queen.
"You must for the time being until we hear any news of the king's whereabouts," the other voice whispered. "Now go get some rest your majesty."
"You too Argyle."
Hurriedly Enzo turned around and made his way back to his chambers trying not to make a single sound. Luckily he made it back and shut the door behind him. 'Who is Argyle? And what did they mean they don't know where father is?' He shook out the thoughts and went back to sleep. He was way too tired to think properly at such a late hour anyway.

~ morning ~
"Ugh, let me sleep," Enzo groaned out to the servant knocking on the old, wooden door. He had been waking up Enzo every morning at six am sharp for the past week now. The door pushed open and Enzo rolled over facing away and covering his head with the sheets.
"Enzo you need to get into the habit of getting up early every day now," the small dark bay appaloosa said as he pulled the sheet from Enzo's face.
"Ugh Sawyer, please just a few more minutes."
- Sawyer was a young welsh pony who was born in the castle. His mother, who was the queens most trusted servant, died after giving birth. Sawyer had been assigned to Enzo for a year now and was two and a half years older than him. -
"Nope you need to get up now, breakfast will be served soon," Sawyer ordered "And you know how the queen gets when you don't show up."
He was right, as kind and caring as the queen was, shes never afraid to show her furious and crazy side, like most mothers really.
"Okay, okay I'm up," Enzo yawned as he stretched out his hind legs. "You're lucky you're my friend otherwise I would have you sacked for being so controlling."
Sawyer just shook his head. "You should be grateful for me otherwise you'd be in deep trouble by the queen twenty-four seven."
Enzo just let out sarcastic snort before heading out to breakfast.

The smell of freshly baked goods filled the air as Enzo entered the dining room. There was fruits neatly cut and piled onto three silver platters, each surrounded by various breads and pastry options. The royal's chef was certainly the very best in the country.
"Good morning Enzo," his mother greeted him. At that very moment he remembered what he had heard from her conversation with this known Argyle.
"Good morning mother, have a good sleep?" He asked trying to get a reaction from her, but no such luck, she just smiled.
"Yes I did actually, now come eat dear."
Odys was already stuffing his face full and just gave Enzo the usual eyebrow nod when he had his muzzle full, then went back to focusing on shovelling the large heap of biscuits and buns on his plate in his mouth.
The breakfast was as ordinary as always but Enzo couldn't stop thinking about what he had hear last night. 'What in the world is going on? Should I tell Odys?'

Authors note:
Thankyou so much for reading I truely appreciate it!
The chapters are abit short in the begining but i promise they will be longer as more things begin to happen xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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