Chapter II

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"Jack-Jack!" Beca leaned down and picked up the seven-year-old boy who gave her a kiss and a cuddle. "Oh, you're getting bigger by the minute, aren't you?"

"You're so pretty!"

"Thank you! You're very handsome. Love the bowtie."

"Thank you. Daddy got it for me."

"Very handsome. You might get yourself a girlfriend looking like that."

"Eww! I don't like girls!"

"Not yet," Beca winked. "Okay, time to put you down before I throw my back out." Beca put the boy down and sighed from the relief.

Once the ceremony was finished, Beca and Chloe cut their cake and had their dinner then made their way around to everyone who congratulated them on their marriage. It took a while to see everyone but they managed to get it done within thirty minutes, which was better than they expected.

"What about me, Jack-Jack?" Chloe said, kneeling down and holding out her arms.

The boy smiled and ran into Chloe's arms for a tight hug before she pulled away to get a closer look at him.

"Beca's right - you're a very handsome young man."

"Thank you, Chlo," he blushed.

"You're welcome," Chloe kissed Jack's head then stood.

"Beca and Chloe, you both look so beautiful and I'm so happy for you," said Lisa.

"Thank you, Lisa,"

"Thank you," Beca and Chloe smiled at the woman.

"She's right - you do. I'm so happy for you." Markus stepped in and hugged the women as did Lisa.

"Oh, my girl!" Katherine side tackled Beca in a hug, which was probably the hundredth hug that evening.

"Oh, mom!" Beca rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Kat," Seth sighed. "We talked about this."

"She's my baby girl! I'm allowed to hug her!" The woman protested.

Seth didn't bother to argue - he knew better than to do that.

"Come on, mom," Beca chuckled, pushing her mother off her gently. "I need some space to breathe."

"I still can't believe you're married. I'm so happy for you - both of you. You've come so far and I'm so glad to have watched you grow and become the amazing woman that you are today."

"Is that apart of your speech later?"

"It might be."

Beca chuckled then slipped her arm around Chloe's waist.

"Right, well, while you get ready for that, Chloe and I are going to get ready for our first dance together."

"Alright, darling," Katherine kissed Beca's cheek then Chloe's before letting them go.

"She's so proud of you, you know?" Chloe spoke once they were alone.

"I know."

"I am, too."

Beca looked at her wife and smiled. "I know you are and I don't know where I'd be without you. You're my everything, Chlo, and today has been the best day of my life."

Chloe blushed. "Mine, too."

The couple smiled at each other and kissed.

"Come on, let's go to that dancefloor and rock it."

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