The Only One

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The door was opened to reveal a large pair of goggles over a paper bag. It took you a while to realize it was someone's head. An odd sight, but not much odder than anything else in this city...

 An odd sight, but not much odder than anything else in this city

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Flug: "H-Hello there! I'm Dr. Flug, Mr. Black Hat's henchman. Very eager to have you as a candidate!"

He vigorously shook your hand and practically dragged you through several halls and stairways before you finally came across an especially large door.
The door opened to reveal a black and red office. At the wooden desk in the middle of the room sat a dark man in a top hat, impatiently tapping his fingers on the table. A large window sat behind him.

Black Hat: "Are you just going to stand there like an imbecile, or are you going to say something?" he growled impatiently.

You shook your head, waking up from your stupor.

(Y/N): "I... um, well... I..."

Black Hat seemed to grow disinterested. His eye lazily wandered around the room.

Black Hat: "Honestly, if all you're going to do is act like a braindead newt, you might as well leave..."

You grew a bit angry. You had come all this way to interview for this man, and you'd be damned if he didn't listen to what you had to say!

(Y/N): "Sorry if I'm acting a bit 'braindead,' but with all due respect, sir, your flyer wasn't exactly clear on what I'm supposed to do. Maybe you should have spent less time complimenting yourself and more time actually appealing to your potential employees..."

You bit your lip in instant regret. Well, that's it. You were finished.
You were less worried about the job and more concerned on whether or not you'd make it out alive. Especially with Black Hat practically glaring holes into your skull.

You looked over at Dr. Flug for some possible assistance, just to find him huddled and flinching in the corner.

The chair squeaked as Black Hat stood up at a painfully slow pace.

You could just picture it now. Your head, bloody and severed, impaled on the iron fence for all the world to see.

You flinched as Black Hat crossed the room to face you. You squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation. You waited for your untimely demise.

But it didn't come.

Instead came a deep and venomous voice.

Black Hat: "Why did you decide to apply for this job?"

Your eyes hesitantly opened and looked up at his neutral face. You usually had a hard time looking people in the eye, especially when you were scared shitless of them. But you forced yourself to look right into his, even if you could only see one

You thought for a moment.

(Y/N): "...Because I couldn't come up with a reason not to..."

There was an ounce of confusion in his expression, which he was trying his best to hide.

After a long silence, Black Hat turned his back to you and strolled back to his desk, leaving you a bit clueless.

Black Hat: "You'll start today. Move all of your things into this house immediately. You'll be living here from now on. This worthless piece of trash trembling in the corner will help you get situated..."

I gawked at him, still processing everything that happened.

(Y/N): "Wait, I'm... hired?"

Black Hat: "Didn't I just say that?" he hissed.

A smile spread across your face before it was replaced by a look of confusion.

(Y/N): "But... What exactly am I being hired to do?"

He turned his head toward me and flashed a devilish grin.

Black Hat: "You're going to be our maid, of course."

. . .

Alright, you knew that when you applied for this job, you should expect the unexpected, but to be completely honest...


You mentally slapped your head. So this is what that letter meant by "getting your hands dirty"?!

You stifled a sigh and remained stone faced. But apparently your disappointment didn't go unnoticed...

Black Hat proudly spun his cane and placed a gloved hand over his chest.

Black Hat: "You should be honored to have a job such as this. All of the others we interviewed most likely would have sold their souls for it, if given the chance..."

Flug: "B-but Mr. Blackhat, sir, she's the only one that ca..."

He was cut off by Black Hat's terrifying glare. His eye practically glowed red. Flug flinched and shut his mouth immediately.

Black Hat: "Why don't you show her to her room, Flug..."


And with that, he began racing back out the door and into the hallway... forgetting me in the process.

I was about to follow him, but spun around to face my new boss.

Y/N: "My name's (Y/N), by the way."

Black Hat: "Do I look like I care? Now, get out of here and follow that moron..."

Black Hat's POV

After (Y/N) left the room, Black Hat couldn't help but quietly say her name. He paced the room a bit, saying it again, pondering how it felt in his mouth.
His eye widened as he realized what he was doing. He scowled.

Black Hat: "What the bloody hell am I doing...?"

He shook his head in frustration and began working on ideas for anti-hero contraptions. But for reasons he couldn't explain, his mind still wandered back to those defiant (e/c) eyes glaring up at him.

Teach Me to Love: Blackhat x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now